How to defeat Morgott the Omen King in Elden Ring

Prepare for the main fight in the capital (Image via FromSoftware)
Prepare for the main fight in the capital (Image via FromSoftware)

To reach the second half of Elden Ring, players will need to take on Morgott the Omen King, and he'll definitely look familiar to most players. He resembles Margit from Stormveil Castle, but their resemblance only goes as far as their features.

The attacks and weapons of the two opponents are almost entirely different, so players need to prepare for a new fight.

Reaching Morgott will effectively mean a new chapter within the game, as he stands between the lands to the north of the capital city. There are some aspects of the battle that resemble the first fight with Margit, especially with conjured weapons.

But players should be prepared for a far more hectic encounter.

Check out the Melina Elden Ring here.

Fighting Morgott the Omen King in Elden Ring

Use the arena to your advantage (Image via FromSoftware)
Use the arena to your advantage (Image via FromSoftware)

To begin the fight with Morgott the Omen King, players will need to reach Leyndell, the Royal Capital. There are plenty of streets and bosses that players can encounter in the city, but the Omen King is the final obstacle before reaching the Forbidden Lands within the snow.

The good news is that this demi-god isn't as tough as many others. However, he still warrants some respect.

Tips for fighting Morgott the Omen King:

  • This fight will resemble Margit, especially because the character models are the same
  • The boss will conjure daggers and hammers like the Margit fight, but the sword is the main difference
  • Instead of using a staff, this version of the boss will use a sword with far more aggression
  • When he summons his conjured daggers in the air, they will go across the arena and zone players, but some areas on the ground will not be effected
  • Summons are incredibly effective at aggro within the fight, especially the mimic
  • Bleed damage and other effects are still fantastic and can end the fight quick

When the fight ends, players will be faced with the foot of the Erdtree, but of course, the game doesn't end there. Players must first battle against more enemies to the north.

For the complete Elden Ring PS4, click here.

Where to go after defeating Morgott in Elden Ring


With Omen King down, players will have a new set of demi-gods to pursue. They will have to make their way north, but its entrance is not at the Erdtree. Instead, players need to head the opposite way.

If players go to the main street in the city and head towards the northern side, they can follow the path to reach an elevator and a door. If they have defeated the Omen King, the door will be open, and players can then continue their journey into the game.

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