How to easily obtain a Stronghold Keycard in Warzone 2

Obtaining a Stonghold Keycard in Warzone 2 (Image via Warzone 2)
Obtaining a Stonghold Keycard in Warzone 2 (Image via Warzone 2)

Apart from a new battle royale map and gameplay features, Call of Duty: Warzone 2 also included a new DMZ beta.

The DMZ extraction mode has a fair number of challenges that you can complete to get your hands on some amazing loot as well as a powerful arsenal of weapons. Although there are multiple points of interest on the map, the most rewarding one is the Stronghold.

The Stronghold is a hotspot for a lot of challenges, and the area also has some of the most valuable loot that you will find in the game. However, you need a Stronghold Keycard to be able to gain access to a Stronghold.

There are various ways to go about obtaining a Stronghold Keycard in the game, but it is not particularly easy to acquire, and there are still some in the Call of Duty community who are having trouble wrapping their heads around the new mechanic.

Today’s guide will go over all the ways that you will be able to obtain a Stronghold Keycard in the Warzone 2 DMZ mode.

Obtaining a Stonghold Keycard in Warzone 2


As mentioned, Strongholds are some of the most sought-after points of interest in Warzone 2’s DMZ mode. However, to be able to make your way inside these structures, you will be required to get your hands on a Stronghold Keycard.

There are three things that you can do to obtain one in a match.

1) Get it from the Buy Station

The easiest way to get a keycard in Warzone 2 DMZ will be to purchase it from the Buy Station itself. There are a lot of things you will be able to collect from the Buy Station, from loadouts to support features like UAVs (as well as the power to revive your dead teammates).

Keycards are also something that you will be able to purchase from the Station, however, they will cost you a fortune. The price of one card in the game is $5,000, so if you are not able to loot the required amount of cash in the game, you will not be able to gain access to a Stronghold through this method.

2) Kill enemy AI soldiers

The next best way to obtain a Stonghold Keycard is by killing powerful enemy AI. The DMZ mode is filled with bots that have a decent chance of dropping a Keycard when killed. You can look to take out multiple guards who are on patrol outside a Stronghold to obtain a Keycard from them.


3) Loot players

This last tactic is for those who love to ambush other players in the game. This method is a bit underhanded but rather effective as well.

You can camp outside the Stonghold and wait for an enemy squadron that is looking to make their way inside this point of interest. You can then ambush them and take them all out in one fell swoop, making them leave their loot behind.

It’s very likely that one of the enemy players will have purchased or obtained a keycard in some way, and you will be able to loot it from their corpse and make your way inside the Stronghold in Warzone 2.

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