How to obtain the Cinquedea in Elden RIng

Obtaining the Cinquedea in Elden Ring (Images via FromSoftware)
Obtaining the Cinquedea in Elden Ring (Images via FromSoftware)

When it comes to offering very high DPS numbers and allowing players to reposition themselves effectively amid a problematic fight, daggers in Elden Ring are the most effective tools.

While they are usually short-ranged and don’t offer much in terms of staggering enemies with higher poise, the weapon type more than makes up for it in terms of mobility and damage output.

One of the most coveted daggers in Elden Ring is the Cinquedea, which scales amazingly well off of both Strength and Dexterity.

However, its late-game scaling is not the only reason behind its popularity. The dagger passive raises the potency of Beastial Incantations, making it the perfect fit for those players who have been investing runes in both Dexterity and Faith.

The weapon also comes with the Quickstep skill, which allows one to close the gap on enemies and reposition themselves to better dodge out of enemy hits and avoid fatal hits.

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However, some Elden Ring players have been having quite a bit of trouble in getting their hands on the dagger, hopefully, this guide will be able to help them out with it.

Obtaining the Cinquedea in Elden Ring


To obtain the Cinquedea in Elden Ring, players will have to invest in a certain number of steps before successfully getting their hands on it. The dagger is not something that can be gotten early on in the game, and players will need to at least complete a good deal of the game’s narrative progression until they can get the item.

Hence, to get the dagger, the Elden Ring Tarnished will need to:

  • Reach the Forge of the Giants, which comes much later into the narrative, and players will need to at least progress till this point in the game if they are looking to get their hands on the weapon.
  • After finding the Forge of the Giants Site of Grace, players will be able to talk to Melina or Listen to the flame. As a result, they will fall asleep after having ‘committed a sin’ and are automatically transported to the Crumbling Farum Azula.
  • From the new area, the Tarnished are required to make their way to the Bestial Sanctum and unlock its Site of Grace.
  • They will need to head outside the structure from the Sanctum and look for a broken rat statue. A bit of platforming will be required here, as the Tarnished must down a series of platforms from the side of the buildings.
  • The statue can be found on the lowest platform and will have a glowing item drop interacting with, giving them the Cinquedea and the Dragoncrest Shield Talisman.

The detailed Elden Ring PS4 is available here.

The Cinquedea has become a must-have for players who have invested heavily in Dexterity and Faith in Elden Ring. While it’s a bit difficult to acquire, the weapon is one of the most powerful daggers.

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