Is Diablo Immortal pay-to-win?

A promotional image for Diablo Immortal (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
A promotional image for Diablo Immortal (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Pay-to-win games are a controversial topic and Diablo Immortal teeters right on the brink of it. The majority of mobile games have some sort of microtransaction system. Some of them let players pay real money to advance further in the game, get the best gear, or simply power their characters up.

Others focus on purely cosmetic purchases or access to additional content, rather than a pay-to-win function. The dev team behind Diablo Immortal downplayed any P2W talks, but it looks like the game might be based on early reactions.

Is Diablo Immortal actually a pay-to-win game?


The verdict is in by a large portion of the community. They fully believe that the first mobile entry in the Diablo franchise is a pay-to-win title that showcases the accusation at its worst.

The game won't be available in countries like Belgium or the Netherlands because of their laws against gambling and loot box systems in video games. This is a huge red flag for some of the game's players.

The closed beta testing period saw Immortal come under fire for its pay-to-win tendencies. That saw Blizzard Entertainment make some changes regarding its microtransactions, but it doesn't seem to have been enough.

Players are not forced to buy anything in the free-to-play title, but much of the best gear and some of the game's systems are locked behind a paywall. This could see them miss out on key features.

Co-operative content is a big focus in Diablo Immortal and not having the best gear available will keep some players from experiencing that. High-level loot won't be accessible in Elder Rifts without purchasing Crests to modify the Rift.

It could be up to the player's personal opinion on whether the game is pay-to-win or not, but the consensus among those who have tried it since its launch is that Diablo Immortal is a pay-to-win nightmare.

Truly, fans of the Diablo franchise are not happy with how the microtransactions have turned out. Some have even gone as far as to call the game evil for the way it presents a pay-to-win strategy.

Again, though, players are not required to pay anything. They can play solo and get far into the game with a decent grind, but taking on some of the toughest challenges will be hard without shelling out some cash.


What are all microtransactions in Diablo Immortal?

Here's a look at every microtransaction available in the game, what it provides to players, and how that can affect gameplay:

  • Eternal Orbs: These are the main in-game currency, used to purchase most other in-game currencies and in-store items.
  • Crests: Legendary and Rare Crests can be purchased. These are used to modifier Elder Rifts, which will give much higher chances to obtain better loot throughout the dungeons.
  • Platinum: Platinum can be straight up purchased with real money. It is used in-game to buy items in the marketplace and from certain vendors.
  • Reforge Stones: These can be used to reroll equipment bonuses. Buying a Reforge Stone with a specified name will reroll that attribute for the equipment it is used on.
  • Boon of Plenty: The Boon of Plenty is a monthly subscription service that can be stacked up to 90 days. It grants 300 Eternal Orbs, extra trade slots, extra inventory, a Rare Crest, and daily login rewards.

Grinding and hoping they get lucky is the number one way players can obtain the best items in Diablo Immortal without having to pay. Otherwise, purchasing any of the above will ensure their character is as powerful as possible.

These microtransactions are 100% the reason players believe the game is pay-to-win. One can purchase several Legendary Crests to all but guarantee top-tier loot from Elder Rifts, seeing them progress much faster than other players.

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