Is it worth playing Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare in 2023?

Infinity Warfare is the one of the few games with futuristic combat (Image via Activision)
Infinity Warfare is the one of the few games with futuristic combat (Image via Activision)

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, developed by Infinity Ward, was released in November 2016. It was the second entry in the franchise that had futuristic combat after Black Ops III, shifting away from the traditional "grounded" gameplay. The game featured jetpacks and wall running while also improving the mechanics of its predecessor in various ways.

As is standard, Infinite Warfare features a campaign, multiplayer, and co-op zombies, giving players plenty of content to go through before running out of things to do. However, is it still worth playing a game that was released seven years ago?

Note: Some aspects of this article are subjective and solely reflect the opinions of the writer

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare feels quite dated in 2023


There is a high chance that you may have already finished the campaign of 2016's Call of Duty title. However, if you have not, it takes about seven hours to beat. The game boasts some great visuals while also featuring space combat, the first in the franchise. The cast consists of some big names, such as Kit Harington, David Harewood, Claudia Lee, and Brian Bloom.

However, the multiplayer aspect is where the problem lies, as it depends on which platform you own Infinite Warfare. The game does not support cross-play, and if you want to play with your friends, you will need to own it on the same gaming system. Additionally, if you bought the title on Steam for PC, players who bought it on the Microsoft Store will still not be able to play with you.

Nonetheless, the multiplayer offers a ton of different game modes, including Search and Destroy, Ground War, Infected, Team Deathmatch, Hardpoint, Domination, Cranked, Mayhem, Demolition, Drop Zone, Free-for-all, Frontline, Uplink, Grind, Kill Confirmed, Boss Battle, and more.

Infinite Warfare offers in-depth weapon mastery, 29 unique maps that complement the game's advanced movement, hundreds of weapons and operator skins, as well as a challenging co-op Zombie mode.

There is no data about the game's playerbase on consoles. However, on Steam, the average amount of players per month is around 250, which is atrociously low, and with no cross-play, matchmaking will be difficult.


Furthermore, some recent events saw Activision taking down some of the biggest community-made mods, including SM2 and X Labs, which operated dedicated servers for older CoD titles and allowed players to access the games without any security risks. This also harms Infinite Warfare, as there are no safe servers to play the game on due to Activision not updating the game's security on official servers.

If you are willing to look past all the aforementioned downsides and also have friends to play with on the same platform, Infinite Warfare can be quite enticing, with plenty of content to play through. If you prefer fast-paced combat, futuristic settings, and advanced movement, the game can be fun to play in 2023.

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