League of Legends Nilah abilties officially revealed: Joy Unending, Formless Blade, and more

An official look at Nilah's abilities (Image via League of Legends)
An official look at Nilah's abilities (Image via League of Legends)

League of Legends' brand new melee botlaner Nilah is set to arrive in League of Legends on July 14, 2022. As such, the developers have finally provided players and fans with an official look at the interesting abilities of this brand new champion.

In the following article, all of Nilah's abilities and their descriptions have been provided in detail. The ability descriptions will also provide a general idea on the kind of build that players need to go for with Nilah in League of Legends.

There is no doubt that Nilah, just by looking at her kit, is going to be an extremely fun and interesting champion to play. As it turns out, she will be a late-game hypercarry, but will also rely on winning her lane to have an impact in games.

Nilah's abilities in League of Legends hint towards a hyper-aggressive champion that will have a very high skill-ceiling

Before proceeding with the overview, it is important to provide a look at all of Nilah's abilities. It is important to mention that these are official and there will be no diversion under any circumstances.

Nilah's abilities in League of Legends

Passive: Joy Unending

Whenever Nilah will last hit a minion, she and her ally support will gain 50% of the experience that would ideally be lost from sharing with allies.

Nilah will also gain additional benefits from heals and shields. If an ally uses a heal or a shield, then Nilah will grant its benefits to herself as well as the caster.

Q: Formless Blade

Passive: Nilah's attack and ability damage against champions will ignore part of their armor and also heal her. This ability will scale off crit and grant Nilah with a shield in case of overhealing.

Active: Nilah will strike in a line and damage all enemies that are being hit. Nilah's attack range and speed will also be enhanced upon hitting an enemy for a few seconds. Her basic attacks will also splash in a cone and deal additional damage to enemies.

W: Jubilant Veil

Nilah will cover herself with a mist that will provide her with additional movement speed, enhanced magic resistance, and also help her dodge basic attacks. If she touches an allied champion, then Nilah will grant them the same benefits for half the duration.

E: Slipstream

Nilah can dash through a target and damage all units along the way. She can also hold two charges of this ability at once.

Nilah can also cast her Q while using this ability to create a wave in her path that deals damage to enemies while also activating her empowered attacks.

R: Apotheosis

Nilah will spin her weapon in an area of effect and pull enemies together towards a common center with her final burst. While doing this, she will also deal heavy damage to the enemy. Simultaneously, the damage she deals will also heal Nilah and provide her with a shield for overhealing.

Healing and shielding will be scaled off the critical chance, and will be shared with nearby allies.

Thus, it is clear from Nilah's passive abilities that she is more or less designed to work alongside enchanter supports in League of Legends as healing and shielding will provide both her and her ally with added benefits.

Besides that, it is also clear that she will be a late-game ADC who will be focusing towards crit builds, just like any marksman. This is obviously a surprise, considering that she is a melee botlaner. However, the developers have confirmed that fighter items might work for her as well.

Finally, it is safe to mention that Nilah will be heavily dependent on timing her abilities properly. Her ultimate, specifically, draws in enemies together at once. Thus, using it while two or three champions are grouped together will always be more optimal than using it on a single enemy champion.

Apart from that, her E and Q in League of Legends seem to have a synergy, which will require proper utilization to gain the most advantage in a fight.

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