League of Legends season 11 review: 5 best toplane champions from the professional year

Five most impactful toplaners during season 11 (Image via League of Legends)
Five most impactful toplaners during season 11 (Image via League of Legends)

Toplane plays an excessively important role within League of Legends. It is also one of the most difficult roles, especially in the professional scene.

The lane often gets ganked by enemy junglers and midlanders. Therefore, it requires intricate skill and wave management for success. Nonetheless, there are five champions that make life easier for players in the toplane when compared to others.

These champions made a lot of difference in season 11 of professional League of Legends. Thus, it is vital to take a look into those as they might come back again to dominate the meta in the upcoming year.

Five toplane champions with the most impact in the professional scene of League of Legends' season 11

The five champions that will be presented in this list are miles ahead of other toplaners. This is because these champions can stand their ground and even have the potential to outplay opponents if the situation arises.

They can sustain consistent pressure from their opponents junglers and midlaners to come out on top. These champions dictated the flow of the professional scene over the entirety of season 11.

1) Renekton

Renekton's insane skill set has made him the strongest toplaner during season 11 (Image via League of Legends)
Renekton's insane skill set has made him the strongest toplaner during season 11 (Image via League of Legends)

Renekton is arguably one of the strongest champions within League of Legends. So it is no surprise that he is number one on this list.

Renekton dominated the professional season for a significant part of the year and had to receive multiple nerfs to become irrelevant. His 60% presence rate and 50% winrate is nothing but proof of the immense power that he holds.

2) Gnar

Gnar's teamfighting is one of the best amongst toplaners (Image via League of Legends)
Gnar's teamfighting is one of the best amongst toplaners (Image via League of Legends)

Gnar is one of the most utility based toplaners in the game. His teamfighting ability is unmatched and therefore, players prefer him a lot.

He is not a fighter like Renekton, but he can be the frontliner that teams often need in the professional scene. As a result, Gnar has maintained a decent 43% pickrate and an excellent 53% winrate in the season 11 professional scene.

3) Camille

Camille is weak early-on, but she can become a reliable carry toplaner (Image via League of Legends)
Camille is weak early-on, but she can become a reliable carry toplaner (Image via League of Legends)

The third toplane champion that has made the biggest impact in the professional League of Legends scene during season 11 is Camille. Camille has the ability to fight, protect herself with a shield and deal insane damage.

This is the reason that during the professional year, she managed to obtain a 43% presence rate and a whopping 53% winrate. Her only weakness is that she is quite weak early on.

4) Gwen

Gwen's damage output and lane sustain is excessively good (Image via League of Legends)
Gwen's damage output and lane sustain is excessively good (Image via League of Legends)

Gwen was released midway through 2021. However, she became insanely popular immediately after release. This is because Gwen has a skill that can make her immune. Coupled with that, her damage output is almost unmatched.

As a result, she can tank damage and finish off enemies in a short duration. Therefore, she was nerfed multiple times making her a weak early laner. However, she maintained her late-game strength.

Thus, with a 30% presence rate and a 53% winrate, she grabs the fourth spot on this list.

5) Jayce

Jayce's skill ceiling and carry potential makes him quite popular amongst professionals (Image via League of Legends)
Jayce's skill ceiling and carry potential makes him quite popular amongst professionals (Image via League of Legends)

Jayce will be the final champion to find a place on this list of best toplaners. He is definitely a strong choice. He can work both as a melee as well as a ranged champion and has a very high skill ceiling.

Thus, professional players enjoy him quite a lot. This preference and his ability to snowball games has helped Jayce maintain a 29% presence rate and a 52% win rate throughout season 11 of League of Legends.