League of Legends Season 11 Round up: Top 5 champions with the highest pick/ban rates

Every champion that had the most presence in season 11 (Image via League of Legends)
Every champion that had the most presence in season 11 (Image via League of Legends)

League of Legends season 11 has come to an end. Currently, pre-season 2022 is ongoing with season 12 officially set to begin on 4 January 2021.

Over the entire year there have been some massive changes in champion meta. While the pick/ban rates of some champions have varied, others have remained the same throughout the year.

These champions dominated both the professional scene as well as the ranked game modes within League of Legends. Therefore, it is important to look into those champions as it helps players to prepare beforehand for the upcoming season.

5 champions with highest presence in League of Legends' season 11

Understanding the meta is a crucial aspect within League of Legends. It helps players gain an upperhand over the opposition. While off-meta champions can work, playing things that are strong is always recommended.

Over the course of season 11, there were five such champions that maintained their presence irrespective of the meta. A list of all those champions has been presented below.

1) Thresh

Thresh has the highest presence across all champions in season 11 (Image via League of Legends)
Thresh has the highest presence across all champions in season 11 (Image via League of Legends)

Thresh is arguably one of the best support champions that was ever built within League of Legends. It is therefore not at all surprising that he has been omnipresent across season 11.

Thresh has always been a first phase ban irrespective of the meta, region or tournament. This is simply because Thresh can pair with a lot of ADC's and his utility is pretty much off the charts.

Professional players as well as solo ranked players enjoy him a lot and his 69% presence across the entirety of season 11 is proof of the same.

2) Renekton

Renekton has been the second most popular during season 11 (Image via League of Legends)
Renekton has been the second most popular during season 11 (Image via League of Legends)

A menace on the toplane, Renekton is the second best performing champion in League of Legends season 11. He has a 63% presence rate which is honestly quite huge.

It obviously makes sense, as apart from League of Legends Worlds 2021, Renekton has remained relevant irrespective of the meta. His ability to tank damage as well as fight fearlessly makes him a very scary champion.

3) Kai'Sa

Kai'Sa has been a popular pick amongst ADC players during season 11 (Image via League of Legends)
Kai'Sa has been a popular pick amongst ADC players during season 11 (Image via League of Legends)

While it might come as a surprise to many, Kai'Sa has been one of the best champions during season 11. Kai'Sa was very strong during the beginning of the season.

She was always a must pick and ADC players like Gala have spammed her in professional tournaments. She eventually fell off due to a string of nerfs over the course of the year.

Despite that, she has always remained a pocket pick and is third on the list with a 50% presence rate.

4) Leona

Leona's ability to tank and engage makes her a vital pick amongst players (Image via League of Legends)
Leona's ability to tank and engage makes her a vital pick amongst players (Image via League of Legends)

There are very few supports that are as strong as Leona. She can tank as well as protect the ADC very efficiently. She is arguably one of the best engage supports in League of Legends.

As a result, Leona has enjoyed around 46% presence across season 11, which is one of the highest overall.

5) Gnar

Gnar can turn the tides of any fight through intricate timing (Image via League of Legends)
Gnar can turn the tides of any fight through intricate timing (Image via League of Legends)

Gnar is a champion that many used to think was useless during the very early days of season 11. However, he received a buff which made him a must-pick by several professional teams across the world.

Gnar is a tough champion to use as his kit requires intricate timing and game awareness. However, professional players love this champion and pick him at any chance they get.

This is why Gnar grabs the fifth and final spot on the list with a 44% presence rate across season 11.

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