Memory of Dust in Genshin Impact: Stats and best characters for the catalyst

Memory of Dust works best when protected by shield (Image via Genshin Impact)
Memory of Dust works best when protected by shield (Image via Genshin Impact)

Genshin Impact has less than a week to go before entering Phase II of the latest patch 2.7 update. Unlike Phase I, the second phase will be a solo rerun of a 5-star unit alongside weapon banners.

Officials have already announced that Memory of Dust will be one of the featured weapons alongside Redhorn Stonethresher and more. While Redhorn Stonethresher is the signature weapon of Arataki Itto, Memory of Dust is an excellent weapon that can be used by many suitable characters as long as they have a shield.

The following article will explain everything related to Memory of Dust and which characters can use it effectively in Genshin Impact.

Everything about Genshin Impact's Memory Dust including stats and suitable characters

Officials at Genshin Impact have uploaded the new weapon banner also called Epitome Invocation for Phase II of the latest patch 2.7. As seen from the official tweet attached above, Redhorn Stonethresher and Memory Dust will be featured in the weapon banners.

Players may already know that Redhorn Stonethresher is the signature weapon of Arataki Itto and Memory of Dust is an excellent Catalyst weapon that can be used by suitable characters, considering they have a shield character in the team.

Memory of Dust provides higher stats due to its 5-star rarity and has an insane passive but requires specific conditons to be fulfilled to activate itself. Here is a summary of the base stats of Memory of Dust:

  • Base ATK at Level 1: 46
  • Base Sub-stat at Level 1: 10.8% ATK%
  • Base ATK at Level 90: 608
  • Base Sub-stat at Level 90: 49.6% ATK%

Depending on the refinements, the Memory of Dust's passive can increase the shield strength by 20%/25%/30%/35%/40%. When characters hit opponents, it increases their ATK by 4%/5%/6%/7%/8% for next 8 seconds and can be stacked up to five times. The increase in ATK can be triggered every 0.3 seconds. If the character is protected by a shield, then the ATK increase effect is doubled.


Best characters for Memory of Dust in Genshin Impact

Based on the passive, Memory of Dust can increase the ATK effect by 100% if characters are protected by a shield. This implies that as long as the character can be inside a shield that has been created, the passive will activate. This makes Memory of Dust a very niche weapon that specifically relies on the available party to increase the damage output of the wielder.

Currently, there is only one character, Ningguang, who can single-handedly use the Memory of Dust without the help of shielders. She is a Geo character and creates her own shield with crystallize reactions. This helps her utilize the weapon's pasive at 100% without any shielder in the Genshin Impact party.


There are other characters as well who are suitable for Memory of Dust:

  • Klee (DPS)
  • Yanfei (DPS)
  • Lisa (Off-field DPS)
  • Mona (Nuke)

Of course, these four characters will need a shielder like Diona, Zhongli, Thoma, and more to provide a shield that will fully utilize the Memory of Dust. C4 Yanfei can create her own shield after casting her Elemental Burst, making her the second most suitable character after Ninnguang for Memory of Dust in Genshin Impact.

Hence, any DPS Catalyst user can use Memory of Dust at full capacity as long as there is a member of the party that provides a shield to active characters.