Modern Warfare 2 Season 3 free access week: Dates, maps, game modes, and a lot more

Modern Warfare 2 Season 3 free access week: Dates, maps, game modes, and a lot more (Image via Activision)
Modern Warfare 2 Season 3 free access week: Dates, maps, game modes, and more (Image via Activision)

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will be free-to-play for an entire week after receiving the Season 3 update. Activision will open the gates to its latest multiplayer title but will limit the gaming experience by making only a few maps and game modes available. Modern Warfare 2’s free access week will provide many gamers with an opportunity to play Activision’s latest shooter.

However, in the official Call of Duty blog, the publisher announced that only some playable content will be open to players for the free week.

Let us take a closer look at Modern Warfare 2’s upcoming free access week.

Modern Warfare 2 free-to-play week to feature exciting Season 3 content

Activision recently released the Season 3 update and introduced a long list of content like maps, game modes, new weapons, cosmetics, and Operators. The free access week will allow newcomers to experience the game in a more refined state alongside some new content.

The event is expected to raise the total player count for Activision's latest series.


The free access week for Modern Warfare 2 is scheduled to start on April 19, 2023, at 10 am PT/ 7 pm CEST/ 10:30 pm IST. This limited-time event will conclude on April 26, 2023, at 10 am PT/ 7 pm CEST/ 10:30 pm IST, revoking access to the game for those who did not purchase the game.

Maps and modes


Free access week is hosted to attract new gamers into the Call of Duty community and existing Warzone 2 players to purchase multiplayer content. The publisher will limit the amount of content available to the players and provide a demo version of the game.

Here is a list of all the game modes and maps during the free access week.

  • 6v6 core maps: Pelayo’s Lighthouse, Shoot House, Shipment, Dome, Farm 18, and Himmelmat Expo.
  • 6v6 game modes: All or Nothing, Team Deathmatch, Gun Game, Domination, Kill Confirmed, Grind, Hardpoint, Infected, and One in the Chamber.
  • 2v2 (Gunfight) maps: Blacksite, Exhibit, Alley, and Shipment.
  • Ground War and Invasion map: Santa Seña.

Free access week


Players can take this opportunity to invite beginners and even Warzone 2 squadmates to participate in the event and play the multiplayer modes together. Activision’s entire series shares a common platform that can be utilized to level up weapons and Battle Passes faster across both games.

It is also important to remember that a player’s progress is saved on the account and is visible in Warzone 2. However, this can only be capitalized on if players use the same account to play Modern Warfare 2 during the free access week. Players can also utilize existing XP boost tokens to make the most out of the free multiplayer access.

Players can keep an eye out for Call of Duty’s official Twitter page and blog for more announcements. Be sure to follow Sportskeeda for the latest updates.

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