Octane's Infinite Stim Glitch is putting players at a big disadvantage in Apex Legends Season 12

Octane's Stim is glitched yet again in Apex Legends Season 12 (Image via Respawn Entertainment)
Octane's Stim is glitched yet again in Apex Legends Season 12 (Image via Respawn Entertainment)

Season 12 of Apex Legends is facing yet another Octane Stim glitch after a similar iteration way back in Season 10. However, unlike last time, this glitch is not as deadly and puts the player at a disadvantage.

Octane has been present in the game since Season 1 and is currently the top-picked legend in Defiance. However, his Stim Glitch is back again, allowing players to stack and use the speed boost infinitely. The glitch wreaked enough havoc in Season 10, but this time, it's not as powerful as it used to be.


The new Octane Stim Glitch is putting players at a disadvantage in Apex Legends Season 12

Season 12 has brought back Octane's Stim Glitch, but this time it is not being so useful. Players who use this exploit are totally drained out of their health, but it does eliminate the one-second cooldown before using the ability again.

Season 10's glitch used to be a nightmare for enemies since players could stack up those speed boosts non-stop. Their health did not go down as well, but that is not the case anymore. Players will now be at a disadvantage since they will be low on health all the time upon stacking up the boosts and a single bullet from any direction will be enough to knock them down.

An Apex Legends YouTuber named RossBobSquirrel has shown the glitch in detail in one of his videos. It is easy to trigger as players will need to remove an attachment from their weapon while hanging on to a ledge. Then they need to throw a holospray and use the stim at the same time.


Players are recommended not to use this glitch/exploit as they might get banned or suspended by Respawn Entertainment. Similar instances have occurred before and it is best to avoid using this glitch in public matches.

Recently, Octane's Jump Pad also seemed to create problems for certain players as it was not working the way it was supposed to. The launchpad did not work after placing it on the ground. Players tried to jump several times after that, but all of their efforts went in vain.

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