The Jester in Genshin Impact: Khaneri'ah origin and everything revealed so far

The Jester was recently revealed (Image via Genshin Impact)
The Jester was recently revealed (Image via Genshin Impact)

Genshin Impact has released its newest teaser trailer, showcasing the various Harbingers of the Fatui. These Harbingers represent some of Teyvat's most unique and powerful characters, and they pull the strings from behind the shadows of the world. Many of the game's events are due to the actions of these characters, with both tricky sabotage and outright destruction at their hands. They act in accordance with the orders of the Tsaritsa, the Cryo Archon of Snezhnaya, and carrying out her will seems to be their primary goal.

Players recently got a sneak peek at the Jester, one of the most important Fatui, and they can find out more about him here.

The Jester revealed in new Genshin Impact trailer

Genshin Impact's Harbingers are some of the most important characters in the game's story, and many of them were previously shrouded in mystery. Fans only got glimpses of them through in-game lore and the contact they had with characters like Childe and Scaramouche.

Now, the Harbingers have put the spotlight on them, thanks to the game's latest teaser trailer. These characters each have striking designs, and one that stands out the most is that of their leader, The Jester.

The Jester is the first member of the Fatui and also the first of the Fatui Harbingers. He seems to play the role of their leader, coordinating plans and commanding them all. In the trailer, he is seen speaking to his fellow members of the Harbingers about the passing of La Signora, an event that players witnessed during the Inazuma storyline. It seems that this has hit the Harbingers quite hard, and they have gathered to discuss what to do about the situation.


In this video, Genshin Impact players get a look at each of the Harbingers in turn, and a lot of time is spent on The Jester as he speaks to the collected group. The Jester's true name is Pierro, and his history is mostly a mystery, but players can gather a better understanding of who he is through some of the item descriptions in the game.

According to the background of the Mocking Mask, Pierro once failed to earn the favor of the previous ruler of his country. This caused a massive cataclysm that resulted in the destruction of the land.

This lore echoes the events that occurred in the fall of Khaenri'ah, and it may point to Pierro being a survivor of this horrible event. Due to this tragedy, he lost his faith in the divine, and he joined the cause of the Tsaritsa to wrest power away from the gods and give it back to the humans. To accomplish this goal, Pierro recruited several powerful members to the Fatui, like Il Dottore and Signora, two characters that readily joined the Harbingers.

Many players have speculated that Pierro may even have close ties to Kaeya, another character who hails from the fallen region. They appear to have some fascinating character design similarities, along with sharing a similar origin. Characters in Genshin typically have very distinct eyes, but both Kaeya and Pierro's eyes are surprisingly similar. If this turns out to be the case, it may be a huge moment for Kaeya's character once the Traveler meets this powerful Harbinger.

Genshin Impact's newest character trailer revealed information about the upcoming Fatui Harbinger characters.

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