Top 5 rarest skins in Apex Legends

Apex Legends has many different characters with many available cosmetic options (Image via Respawn Entertainment)
Apex Legends has many different characters with many available cosmetic options (Image via Respawn Entertainment)

Apex Legends has countless skins available in-game for both the legends themselves as well as the guns. Cosmetic items are the bread and butter of character customization in Apex Legends, and some of these items stand out due to their rarity.

All cosmetic items use a rarity system. There are common items, rare items, epic, and even legendary items. The higher the rarity of the item, the less likely the player is to obtain it. On top of that, certain events can prevent a collector from acquiring a skin if the event is too short.

Below are some skins that may have been featured in limited-time events or were briefly available in the game's store.


These are the rarest Apex Legends character skins

5) Lifeline - From the Ashes

This demonic Lifeline skin is a very rare skin for players to have (Image via
This demonic Lifeline skin is a very rare skin for players to have (Image via

Lifeline is known for her strong personality as well as her drive and dedication to saving all her teammates. As a combat medic, it's up to her to heal their wounds and save the day. This unique and rare demon skin for Lifeline was only available when the player reached Rank 53 in Season 3. Moreover, the fact this was an early Season Pass exclusive makes this skin extremely rare.

4) Pathfinder – SRVN MRVN

This fancy robot butler skin for Pathfinder is among the rarest in Apex Legends (Image via
This fancy robot butler skin for Pathfinder is among the rarest in Apex Legends (Image via

The SRVN MRVN skin for Pathfinder features a nice suit for our friendly robot hero to wear into battle with a fancy mustache to complement the look. In addition to changing his exterior, his emoji chest piece also reflects his new choice of facial hair.

This skin is rare due to being only available during Season 3's Grand Soirée event and for briefly being included in a bundle for sale in September 2020 and February 2022.

3) Octane - Clocktane

This clockwork Octane skin really fits his bionic aesthetic very well  (Image via
This clockwork Octane skin really fits his bionic aesthetic very well (Image via

This amazing clockwork Octane skin, creatively called Clocktane, is another fan favorite from the Grand Soirée event, which was when it made its first appearance. The skin has since appeared in a bundle in September 2020 and in February 2022, making it a very rare skin.

2) Octane - Sonic Boom

Sonic Boom really takes Octane and helps him soar to new heights in Apex Legends (Image via
Sonic Boom really takes Octane and helps him soar to new heights in Apex Legends (Image via

Sonic Boom is a wonderful skin that goes well hand in hand with Octane's high-risk and daredevil nature. As edgy as his high-flying antics, the skin was originally available in Season 6's Aftermarket Collection event. It has since appeared only one more time, which was in December of 2021, during the Raider's collection event, which makes this skin extremely rare.

1) Wraith - Night Terror

The Wraith skin Night Terror was a Season 1 Battle Pass Exclusive in Apex Legends (Image via
The Wraith skin Night Terror was a Season 1 Battle Pass Exclusive in Apex Legends (Image via

Wraith has always been a top pick as far as legends go, and she definitely has her fair share of amazing skins. Night Terror is an extremely rare skin due to being a Season 1 Battle Pass exclusive for hitting rank 15. This skin has never been offered in any other fashion, though there are recolors. So players who possess this wonderful skin should wear it with pride, as it's super rare.

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