Top 5 reasons to get Xiao in Genshin Impact 2.4 update

Reasons to unlock Xiao in Genshin Impact 2.4 (Image via miHoYo)
Reasons to unlock Xiao in Genshin Impact 2.4 (Image via miHoYo)

Genshin Impact version 2.4 will bring back Xiao who is often considered one of the strongest damage dealers in the game. The five-star Anemo Polearm user was originally released 11 months ago, and is finally returning with a rerun banner.

Considering that Shenhe is going to play a support role, many players are planning to get Xiao in the next update.

This article lists every major reason for which players should get Xiao in Genshin Impact version 2.4.

Note: This article is subjective and reflects the writer's views.

Reasons to get Xiao in Genshin Impact 2.4 update

1) Extremely good at C0


Unlike many other five-star characters in Genshin Impact, Xiao unlocks his true potential at C0 itself. His constellations from C1-C5 do not bring any significant changes to his damage output, making the character very F2P friendly.

In contrast, characters like Raiden Shogun and Hu Tao get much better at C2 and C1, respectively, owing to which many F2P players are unable to truly enjoy them.

Only Xiao's sixth constellation changes his playstyle as it helps him in getting Elemental Skill charges during the Elemental Burst plunges.

2) Does not require support characters in the party

Luckily, Xiao is a character who can single-handedly carry the team. His damage isn't dependent on elements, and he only requires a shielder or a healer who can help him in staying without dying.

It is worth noting that Xiao can deal damage only when he's on the field. Hence, it is recommended to use Anemo battery characters like Sucrose with him.

On the other hand, damage dealers like Itto and Hu Tao are largely dependent on Gorou and Xingqiu to be efficient.

3) AoE DPS


AoE a.k.a. Area of Damage, is a very important phenomenon in Genshin Impact combat, especially in the Spiral Abyss. Characters who can deal AoE damage are considered the best damage dealers because they can clear swarms of enemies quickly.

Xiao is easily one of the best AoE DPS characters in Genshin Impact. While his Elemental Skill deals damage to enemies with a quick Anemo dash, the plunge attacks from his Burst have a giant damage dealing radius and they offer vertical maneuverability as well.

With his plunges, Xiao can also stagger enemies and push them back. This often helps in crowd control. The Elemental Burst lasts for 15 seconds, and the five-star Anemo DPS unit can clear enemies in 1-2 rotations if built properly.

4) Easy to build


Players will be surprised to know that they don't even need to make artifacts sets to build Xiao. The sub-stats of artifacts are more important than any set bonus.

Regardless, a two-piece Viridescent Venerer and a two-piece Shimenawa's Reminiscence set works best with him.

Even if players do not get these artifacts, they can gather random artifacts with ATK%, Anemo DMG Bonus, and Crit Rate/Crit Damage.

5) Unique playstyle


This might be subjective, but Xiao has one of the most unique and interesting playstyles in Genshin Impact. He's one of the few characters that relies on plunging attacks and makes for a nice change from the standard meta.

Xiao is required to remain on the field most of the time. Hence, anyone who admires his playstyle should try to unlock him in the 2.4 update. At the end of the day, Genshin Impact is not just about dealing the maximum damage, but also about playing with characters whose playstyle suits you the most.

All in all, players who are looking to add a solid DPS unit in their party should get Xiao in Genshin Impact version 2.4. The hypercarry DPS is unstoppable at high investment, and doesn't require sub-DPS characters or elemental reactions.

Having said that, players who already own decent DPS units like Ganyu, Eula, Itto or Hu Tao, and are now focusing on support characters should avoid Xiao at all costs. They can either pull for Shenhe or wait for Zhongli who is still one of the best supports in the entire game.

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