Where to find Dandelion Seeds in Genshin Impact: Best farming locations

Eula standing next to a Dandelion Seed (Image via Sportskeeda)
Eula standing next to a Dandelion Seed (Image via Sportskeeda)

Since Eula's Genshin Impact release, players have been desperately looking for ways to farm Dandelion Seeds in the game.

Two characters, Jean and Eula, require Dandelion Seeds to ascend in Genshin Impact. As they're both terrific five-star units, players sometimes wonder where they're supposed to find this seemingly rare resource. Given both characters require 168 of these seeds, farming them is of the utmost importance for some Genshin Impact players.

Dandelion Seeds regrow in 48 hours real-world hours, so Genshin Impact players will have to keep that in mind when they go around trying to farm them.

Quick guide to finding Dandelion Seeds in Genshin Impact

Dandelion Seed locations in Genshin Impact (Image via Map Genie)
Dandelion Seed locations in Genshin Impact (Image via Map Genie)

There are 35 spawn locations for finding Dandelion Seeds in Genshin Impact. Given how Dandelion Seeds take 48 hours to respawn, players might as well go to all of these locations to farm them.

If a player has both Jean and Eula, they won't be able to get enough Dandelion Seeds anytime soon. Even having just one of these characters requires a ridiculous amount of Dandelion Seeds, so an average player might have to collect these seeds over a period of two weeks.

The main locations

Mondstadt is the first obvious place to find Dandelion Seeds in Genshin Impact (Image via Sportskeeda)
Mondstadt is the first obvious place to find Dandelion Seeds in Genshin Impact (Image via Sportskeeda)

The gate outside of Mondstadt is the most obvious location of Dandelion Seeds in Genshin Impact. Other than that, the area west of the Ridge Watch domain is another popular spot for farming Dandelion Seeds.

Genshin Impact players can also go to the spots marked on the map above (the green circles with white leaves on them) to find all of the Dandelion Seed locations in the game.

If Genshin Impact players know their way around Teyvat, they can easily collect 30+ Dandelion Seeds in approximately five minutes.

This spot has three Dandelion Seeds right next to each other (Image via Sportskeeda)
This spot has three Dandelion Seeds right next to each other (Image via Sportskeeda)

If players want to know the specific locations of every Dandelion Seed (among other resources), they should consult this interactive map. If they enable "Dandelion Seed," they will see where each of the spawn locations are. They can zoom in if necessary.

Some locations will say "3 x Dandelion Seed," which would indicate that there are three Dandelion Seed spawns there. As a result, players will find more than 35 Dandelion Seeds per farming run.

Which characters are best suited for collecting Dandelion Seeds?

Klee is good for novice players who struggle to find Dandelion Seed locations (Image via Genshin Impact Wiki)
Klee is good for novice players who struggle to find Dandelion Seed locations (Image via Genshin Impact Wiki)

There are two characters that are best suited for collecting Dandelion Seeds in Genshin Impact. If players don't know the locations of each Dandelion Seed, having a character like Klee will help tremendously.

Klee's passive "All of My Treasures!" notifies the player about the location of nearby Mondstadt Local Specialities. Dandelion Seeds count as a Local Specialty, so their location will be made more apparent to Klee owners. Keep in mind that other Local Specialties will also show up on the map, so it's more useful as a general guide once the player knows where the Dandelion Seeds are.

Players don't need Klee to find these locations; having her just makes it easier.

Sucrose is a great character for collecting Dandelion Seeds (Image via Sportskeeda)
Sucrose is a great character for collecting Dandelion Seeds (Image via Sportskeeda)

A Genshin Impact player will also need a character with Anemo to disperse the seeds for easy collection.

Sucrose is the best one for the job, as her basic attacks will allow the player to collect the Dandelion Seeds easily. Her Elemental Skill will instantly clear the collectibles for easy pickings.

Any other Anemo character can also be used in Sucrose's place.

Characters who need Dandelion Seeds

Jean was the first playable character who needed Dandelion Seeds to ascend (Image via Genshin Impact)
Jean was the first playable character who needed Dandelion Seeds to ascend (Image via Genshin Impact)

As of right now, only Jean and Eula need Dandelion Seeds in Genshin Impact. Both characters need 168 of them to fully ascend in the game.

168 Dandelion Seeds is a lot to collect, especially since they're scattered throughout Mondstadt.

Fortunately, there are 35 spawn locations for Dandelion Seeds in Genshin Impact. Some of these locations contain multiple Dandelion Seeds, so it shouldn't take players too many days to collect enough for both Jean and Eula.

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