Fortnite Champion Series Grand Finals are LIVE!

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Here it is folks, the end we’ve all been waiting for. The Fortnite Champion Series Grand Finals are live, players all across the world will be competing to find out who the best in each part of the world is. Although no replacement for the Fortnite World Cup, this will be the closest thing the Forntite community has for finding out who the best in the world are during the global pandemic.

Seven Servers, Two Platforms, Fourteen Winners!

Want to know what items might feature in the shop tomorrow? Check out our predictions for tomorrow's Fortnite Item Shop

The entire global Fortnite community has been split both by region and between PC and console. That means there will be 14 world best Fortnite players this time around. No matter how you play or where you play, there will be a Fortnite tournament for you, so make sure to check in on Twitch or YouTube to see who is streaming in your region, or watch at the Fortnite Party Royale venue for official coverage.

And be sure to check for our previous articles on the Fortnite Champion Series to see who to look out for in the major tournaments.

Mid tournament update, Fortnite Champions identified for Oceania, Asia, and the Middle East

Three regions have already completed their Fortnite Champion Series Grand Finals, and for those regions here are the champions who ended up rising to the top.

Asia Console Top 3:

  1. 疾風のウィザー
  2. aqua ǃ
  3. くそじじぃxd

Asia PC Top 3:

  1. Fram No.1
  2. Harukiyo 88
  3. Peterpаn.

Oceania Console Top 3:

  1. Rare Skits YT
  2. Zolty.
  3. lwkyy -α-

Oceania PC Top 3:

  1. RNG Jynxyfishy
  2. PWR worthy
  3. twitter rahcks

Middle East Console Top 3:

  1. ASMR ixDire
  2. Autolock Pu7se
  3. SYN Minas

Middle East PC Top 3:

  1. cαsh cup warrior
  2. Monkey Phantom
  3. SAQR Modisk

Future Fortnite Champions

Brazil, Europe, North America East, and North America West are will be complete today, so be sure to tune in for an in depth breakdown of the winners once the entire tournament is complete.

Til then, be sure to check in on the Fortnite Champion Series.

The Battle Bus is heading into Fortnite! Check out the final Fortnite item shop today!

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