5 common mistakes Free Fire players make while pushing rank to Heroic

Avoid these simple mistakes to ensure rank pushes in Free Fire (Image via Garena Free Fire)
Avoid these simple mistakes to ensure rank pushes in Free Fire (Image via Garena Free Fire)

Rank pushing in Free Fire is no easy task. Considering the numerous factors at play, winning every match is not possible. Thus, to earn points, players must be smart and approach each game with the utmost caution. Even then, it may not be enough.

To truly stand a chance of earning points and climbing the ranks, players should first stop making a few mistakes during the match. While this alone does not guarantee success, it does improve the odds of staying alive to the very end and earning a handful of points.


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Avoid doing these things while trying to rank push in Free Fire

5) Not playing often


Consistency is the key to life, and it's no different in Free Fire. To rank up slowly but surely, players should play every day. This ensures that they have enough time to understand the best character builds and weapons for the season. It makes scoring a win relatively easier.

Unfortunately, not everyone is consistent with rank pushing. Given their individual circumstances, time constraints, and other problems, playing daily is not possible. This slows down the rank push and makes it harder for players to secure their desired rank for the season.

4) Trying to play with random teammates


Not everyone wants to be a lone wolf in Free Fire. Some players enjoy the company of others as it helps reduce the mundanity of rank pushes. However, in pursuit of companionship, they often make the mistake of teaming up with random players.

While these random players may not be bad or have a large skill gap, things are unlikely to work out due to poor communication. In most cases, they hightail it out of a fight to save their own skin, leaving the player either stranded or knocked down. Eventually, this leads to an elimination, and subsequently stalls the rank push.

3) Playing too aggressively or too passively


The best way to earn points in Free Fire is through combat. Eliminating opponents grants players points that contribute towards the rank push. Unfortunately, this method of earning points is a double-edged sword. Given that they will have to adopt an aggressive playstyle to get kills, they might get killed in the process.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, points can also be earned by simply winning the match. Keeping this in mind, some players camp until the end zone before springing to life. They then try to eliminate the remaining opponents and win. Sadly, most of the time, they get eliminated instead. Without any kills, they end up gaining nothing.

2) Starting the season late


One of the most crucial mistakes that Free Fire players make is starting the season late. This cuts down the effective playtime available to them and makes it harder to play at their own pace. They end up trying to blitz through matches and get eliminated.

Rather than advancing through the ranks and climbing to reach the Heroic tier, their progress comes to a grinding halt. Nevertheless, while missing out on a few days' worth of gameplay is still not an issue, a few weeks will definitely hamper progress.

1) Starting the match in a hot-drop zone


As mentioned earlier, the fastest way to earn points is by securing kills in combat. Given that opponents are highly skilled and will fight back ferociously, this task is easier said than done. However, some players don't seem to understand this fact and happily land in hot-drop zones.

While they may secure kills during the initial few minutes, they are unlikely to survive the early game, given the overwhelming competition. Eventually, the enemy may get the upper hand and take them out of the match. This not only slows down the rank push but also affects morale drastically.

Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinions.

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