5 tips for Free Fire players to fight campers in end zone

Follow these tips to fight campers in a Free Fire end zone (Image via Garena Free Fire)
Follow these tips to fight campers in a Free Fire end zone (Image via Garena Free Fire)

The end zone or the final zone in Free Fire is a very volatile environment. Bullets are flying everywhere, abilities are being used whenever possible, and campers are picking off targets one by one.

In situations like these, there's often no going back. Players have but a few seconds to decide how to deal with campers before a round from an AWM finds them and scores a headshot. Thankfully, by following a few tips, players can effectively deal with campers and secure a Booyah.


How to counter and eliminate campers at the end zone in Free Fire

5) Use grenades to flush them out of their position


A good way to try to eliminate campers in Free Fire is to throw grenades at them. While this may not lead to an elimination as opponents can move out of the way, if aimed and thrown correctly it may just force them out of position.

If opponents leave their position or rotate due to fear of taking damage from the grenade, players can use this opportunity to shoot at them or rush in. While this method is viable, there is no guarantee of success.

4) Try rotating around them


Rather than trying to deal with campers in Free Fire by using force, players can utilize tactics to try and get the upper hand. One of the easiest ways to do this would be to simply rotate around the target to gain a better position.

While this may not be possible in every match given the situational circumstances, it is by far one of the best options to deal with campers. Once players get into position, they will have to decide how to approach the target and deal with them.

3) Throw smoke grenades to confuse them


Using grenades in Free Fire to flush the enemy out and attempting to rotate are potential ways to deal with campers, but using smoke is by far the most effective. By using smoke near the campers, players can block their line of sight and leave them second-guessing.

During this time, players can either rotate to get into a better position or rush in with a shotgun and try to eliminate the campers. However, campers may be able to utilize it to their own advantage and rush out to surprise attack.

2) Use suppressing fire


While playing in a team, Free Fire players can use a simple tactic known as suppressing fire to pin the enemy down. If playing with a full squad, two players can lay down suppressing fire to pin the team down, while the other two can move up and engage them from the side.

If the tactic is executed correctly, players can break the deadlock and eliminate Free Fire campers with ease. However, care should be taken while attempting this maneuver, as the enemy can easily counter it and secure a Booyah.

1) Use gloo walls to rush them


If all the above mentioned tactics fail, or if no tactical items are available, the only choice players will have left is to rush the enemy using gloo walls. While this may seem like a bad idea, given that there are no other alternatives, it's better to get eliminated while fighting than by hiding in one spot.

Players should use all available tactical items and skills for the task. In this do-or-die situation, keeping supplies in reserve won't be of any use if the rush ends in a failure. Furthermore, in the event of getting eliminated, using up supplies will hurt the enemy as there will be nothing left for them to loot during the Free Fire match.

Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the opinion of the writer.

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