Finding ancient debris in Minecraft can be quite a feat for any player on the hunt for such a rare ore.
In the 1.16 update, also known as the nether update, players were introduced to an entirely new world through the nether portal. This update gave the nether a facelift of sorts. There are new biomes to explore and new materials for players to learn about. This article will be going over one of those materials, ancient debris.
Where does ancient debris in Minecraft spawn?

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Ancient debris in Minecraft is the source of netherite scraps. Netherite being the material that claimed to be more powerful than diamond. To get the debris, to get the scraps, players will need to enter the nether. Entering the nether requires a portal made out of obsidian that is four blocks wide and five blocks tall and something to ignite a fire on the inside of the portal. Taking out corners will use fewer blocks while still operating as a portal.
Finding ancient debris in Minecraft

Once inside the nether, players can increase the chance of finding ancient debris by descending to the lower levels of the nether, at Y-axis 30 and below. Minging for incredibly rare ores such as ancient debris in Minecraft can be more dangerous at this level. It also increases the chances of a player finding it.

In some cases, players may get lucky and find a few blocks of ancient debris along the shore or in the piglins castles. Others may find themselves needing to dig deeper and risk the chance of bumping into lava as they take out sections of the underground in their search for ancient debris in Minecraft. Players can either dig through with a pickaxe, blow up sections using TNT, or lay beds to cause explosions. All for the chance to find ancient debris in Minecraft and collect netherite scraps.
Once the player has found it, they'll need a diamond pickaxe or stronger to mine the ancient debris. The other pickaxes will not work for this ore. On the plus side, there is no risk of destroying the ore with lava. Ancient debris in Minecraft floats in lava as if it's water. From there, the player can smelt down netherite scraps into ingots through a furnace.
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