How to make a TNT bed trap in Minecraft

(Image via Minecraft)
(Image via Minecraft)

Minecraft includes lots of things for players to do within the game. They can create traps to prank their friends in the game, or to just experiment themselves!

Traps are a common mechanism that players can use to kill others or mobs automatically. Traps are a good way to catch entities off guard and to keep nosy players away from important items.

There are all kinds of traps that players can create in Minecraft. There are lava traps, redstone traps, explosive traps, and much more. One of the more common traps that players can build are TNT traps.

Players can make a TNT trap pretty easily in the game, and it does not require lots of materials to do so. They should be careful when working with TNT.

TNT is a very explosive block in Minecraft, and if used incorrectly, they can blow themselves up and anything else around them. The player should be sure to be cautious when using TNT.

In this article, players will learn how to make a TNT bed trap in Minecraft!

How to correctly make a TNT bed trap in Minecraft



(Image via instructables)
(Image via instructables)

The very first item players will need to make this trap is obviously a bed. They can find a bed inside villager huts or they can craft their own using three wooden planks and three wool.

Players will probably have a spare bed just laying around since these items are used to save their spawn, and sleep the night away so mobs can be despawned. Players will also need redstone and a TNT explosive.

Below are the instructions on making a TNT bed trap in Minecraft

  • Players will need to first place an observer under the bed with its face pointing towards the bed
  • Next, players will want to place redstone under the observer
  • After, players will need to place the TNT next to the redstone dust

When doing this, the TNT will then be active and ready to ignite when a player enters the bed. When the player right clicks to sleep in the bed, the observer will detect their movement.

The observer will then send a signal through the redstone and to the TNT. The TNT will activate and explode after this process is completed, killing the player and exploding other things around.

There is no way for players to stop the process. Since the TNT will be underground below the bed, they will not be able to access it in time. The player will just hear a faint sizzling sound, then explode!

Also read: Top 5 most flammable blocks in Minecraft

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