Is Zephyr client for Minecraft Bedrock safe to use?

The list of options available on the old Zephyra Minecraft client (Image via Well Dan/YouTube)
The list of options available on the old Zephyra Minecraft client (Image via Well Dan/YouTube)

Zephyr was a Minecraft Bedrock hacked client that provided players with a ton of different ways to change the game, such as increasing players's hitboxes, enabling max speed left-click attacking, the ability to instantly mine blocks, and much more. However, it's not really safe to use anymore, as it has been discontinued since 2023.

Detailed below is what Zephyr was and why it should probably be avoided for security reasons.

Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the opinions of the writer

Why shouldn't Minecraft Zephyr be used now?

Minecraft Zephyr was discontinued in 2023, with all of the old links to Github repositories and downloads now leading to 404 "Not Found" errors. This means that anyone claiming to have files or programs that work for the most up-to-date versions of the game isn't part of an official team by any means.

There's no official team to look to for trustworthy download links. Trying to find a working version of Zephyr wouldn't be like getting one of Minecraft's best mods off of CurseForge. It would be more akin to installing random programs from random websites and hoping to get one of the game's best alternative launchers instead of a virus. Ultimately, it could work out, but it's probably not worth the risk.

Even if there's no virus included, there's no guarantee that any unofficial Zephyrs will work for the most up-to-date versions of the game. The quality of any of these Zephyrs is almost guaranteed to be lower than any other cracked clients available, which have official teams to get safe downloads from.

What to use instead?

`Horion is probably the safest of the alt clients to use (Image via Horion)
`Horion is probably the safest of the alt clients to use (Image via Horion)

Rather than using the sketchy Zephyr, players wanting to mess with hacked clients should instead direct their attention towards projects still being worked on by teams. These downloads are safer, as they're coming from as official a source as possible.

Additionally, since the project is still ongoing, there should be support for many different versions of Minecraft going into the future.

Examples of some modern, still-updated cracked clients include Horion and Borion. Both are receiving modern updates from teams of people and feature Githubs and websites rather than unassuming discords. This makes them safer to download and use.

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