Minecraft Achievement Guide: Passing the Time

A brief overview on how to obtain the "Passing the Time" achievement in Minecraft. (Image via Relay Crafter/YouTube)
A brief overview on how to obtain the "Passing the Time" achievement in Minecraft. (Image via Relay Crafter/YouTube)

Minecraft players earn this achievement by playing the game for a total of 100 in-game days.

The beauty of sandbox games like Minecraft, is that players don't have a strict path that they must follow while playing the game. Players are free to do whatever they wish, whether that be rushing to defeat the Ender Dragon or just casually building their own neat creations.

Like many other video games, Minecraft Bedrock Edition offers players the opportunity to hunt after and complete specific achievements. Doing these are completely optional, but can be a great deal of fun or even sometimes earned by organically playing the game.

In terms of this specific Minecraft achievement, players can earn it just by spending time playing the game and enjoying the world of Minecraft. This article will be breaking down how Minecraft players can earn the "Passing the Time" achievement.

Minecraft Achievement Guide: Passing the Time


Upon first glance, this Minecraft achievement may appear extremely difficult, or at the very least, time consuming to obtain. A period of 100 days is quite a long time, when using the measurement method humans typically use to track time on Earth.

Luckily for Minecraft players and achievement hunters, this specific achievement actually functions off of Minecraft's cycle of time.

The daylight cycle in Minecraft does not operate in exact real time to the one on Earth. However, it does operate in a similar way timing wise. Time in Minecraft flows 72 times faster than it does on Earth, which makes a full Minecraft day 20 minutes long.

For those interested in learning more about how time functions in Minecraft, a full article about the day and night cycle of the game can be found here.

This means that Minecraft players will actually only have to play Minecraft for a period of about 2,000 minutes. While still a substantial amount of time, that is lot faster than 100 days here on Earth.

YouTuber ibxtoycat makes an interesting suggestion in the video found in this article, to help players earn this achievement as quickly as possible. Players can technically wall themselves in a safe location, and then leave their device (computer, Xbox, etc) on overnight. This will help players allocate more played time in-game, to help get this achievement even faster.

At the end of the day, a great deal of players will simply earn this Minecraft achievement by naturally playing the game. Players who do want to earn it a bit faster though, can leave themselves logged into Minecraft overnight to help accrue more played time to count toward the achievement.

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