There are various builds like Tank, Stealth, and Gunslinger in Fallout 76. Among them, hands down one of the most fun and unique builds is none other than the Fallout 76 Bloodied Build. This build only works when your health is low, which may seem like a nightmare, but believe me, once all the pieces are set and it starts working, you will not want to use any other build ever.
Bloodied builds in Fallout 76 are very fun to use and can be extremely effective once the ball starts rolling, but one of the main drawbacks of this build is that it is heavily dependent on perks and gear. But worry not, in this guide we have gone through all the necessary pieces needed to build the best Bloodied build you will need in Fallout 76.
How to build the best Fallout 76 Bloodied build?

Let’s start with the best weapons attributes that you will need to build a good Bloodied build in Fallout 76. It is a no-brainer that the most important weapon aspect for this build is the “Bloodied” ability. Weapons with this ability deal up to 95 percent bonus damage based on the health you are missing.
Other than that, this build also depends on your stats as well as how much damage you can do in a short time. That is why any weapon that has high damage and a good fire rate with the “Bloodied” ability can work in Fallout 76.
Once you have found the best match for yourself, you will need to invest in perks like Gladiator, Gunslinger, and Commando that increase the damage of the guns and weapons of that type.
Weapons Quad Choo-Choo (Railway Rifle), Bloodied Choo-Choo, Quad Explosive Handmade, and Bloodied Plasma Caster work exceptionally well in this build.
Once you have the weapon, you will need to work on your defense. The defense is the most important part of this build because getting low on health may not be much of an issue, but holding your ground and not dying in low health is the real challenge of this build. That’s why you need the best defense you can get.
You can start by finding legendary armor pieces with these perks:
- Unyielding:+3 to all stats
- Eagle Eyes: Boost to Perception and Critical Hit Damage
- Egg Head: Better XP Gain
- Healing Factor: When outside combat, you auto heal
- Herbivore/Carnivore: Gain boost when eating certain food
- Herd Mentality: You will get more points when you are in a team.
- Marsupial: Increase your max carry weight and boost your jumps
- Scaly Skin: Better damage resistance
- Speed Demon: Better reload and movement speed
While any armor with these attributes can be good for the build, keep an eye out for Urban Scout Armor, Forest Scout Armor, and Marine Armor.

After the weapons and armor are sorted, you will need to focus on one of the most important aspects of the build: Character perks. To maximize your Bloodied effectiveness, invest in these perks:
- Nerd Rage: Increase damage resist and damage below 20% health
- Covert Operative: Increase sneak attack damage
- Adrenaline: More kills more damage
- Mister Sandman: Silenced weapons deal more damage at night
- Better Criticals: VATS criticals damage boost
- Perks increasing the damage of your equipped weapon
Once all the pieces are set, lower your health to 20% by using rads or taking damage to enable Nerd Rage and Bloodied, and watch as your enemies crumb into dust just before your eyes. Chems like Jet, Psycho, and Mentats are very effective in this build, so try to keep an assortment of them before heading into a battle.