Diablo 4’s Dark Citadel raid is going to bring a wide assortment of new challenges, as well as rewards. It’s something new for the Diablo franchise - the game never had multiplayer raids before, not even in Diablo 3. While we don’t know if Dark Citadel will be the only raid coming to D4, it’s still a very exciting prospect for fans to work together and overcome challenges. It will also perhaps pull in other MMO fans, like the WoW players looking for a new challenge.
Players have always had the power to group up, but the content wasn’t specially designed around that until perhaps Diablo 4’s World Bosses and Legion Events. Even those, you can just show up alone, because there will be people there waiting to fight too. Here’s what we’ve learned about Dark Citadel, the upcoming Diablo 4 raid encounter.
Scroll of Tempering in Diablo 4’s Dark Citadel is going to be a blessing in disguise

Diablo 4’s Dark Citadel is the first of hopefully several raid encounters that come to the game in the future. The Dark Citadel itself will arrive with the Vessel of Hatred expansion, and it exists at the bottom of a deep crater. There, the Khazra attempt to summon their leader.
These goat demons have been around for years in the Diablo franchise, and it sounds like they’re tired of dealing with mortal threats. The Dark Citadel in Diablo 4 is designed for at least two players, who will grind through a deep labyrinth, chock-full of powerful foes, complex mechanics, and more. One example given by the developer was bosses that would require players to use objects in the room to reflect deadly projectiles.
While there will be plenty of amazing rewards to unlock, such as new gear, one confirmed item really stands out, in the Scroll of Retempering. As an avid Diablo 4 player, nothing’s more frustrating than Tempering a piece of gear, and rerolling it several times, only to get the same result every single time. Trying to make a Poison Rogue? Enjoy getting those Cold Imbuement procs instead.

However, the Scroll of Retempering, while not the fix that players want, is a fix that they’re going to get. It will, when used, reset the Tempering Durability of whatever gear you use it on. Tempering Durability is the term given to the number of times you can reroll a piece of gear’s Tempering ability in D4.
While these will drop outside of the Dark Citadel, the drop rate promises to be quite low - they will perhaps, be a bit more plentiful in the raid itself. We also know that there will be new cosmetics to unlock, as well as a pair of currencies: Citadel Coin and Khazra Horn.
The Coins are used to purchase items from the raid’s vendor, and the Horns are used to transmute high-level Boss materials. It’s unknown exactly where these will drop in the raid, but it’s theorized that it will be from Elites/Bosses.
Diablo 4’s Dark Citadel raid will add new challenges for players to tackle, and the rewards for going in will be updated on a weekly basis to inspire players to team up and battle the ravening hordes of Khazra goat men.