The Falcon and the Winter Soldier has reached its definitive end with the recently released Episode 6, which introduced the new Captain America. Sam Wilson has finally accepted his fate, as he chose to take on the mantle with a new suit from the Wakandans.
The final episode of the series featured some of the most beautiful moments in the MCU after Avengers: Endgame. The showrunners also tied up some of the loose ends in the narrative by introducing some key characters who would take the franchise forward.
John Walker, former Captain America, redeemed himself in the sixth episode of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. He has now transitioned into the role of U.S Agent from the comic books.
Meanwhile, Sharon Carter has been reinstated by the CIA. She was revealed to be the Powerbroker from Madripoor and was forgiven by the US government.
However, the ending scene of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier teased that Carter would be a potential antagonist in the future.
From an MCU fan's perspective, this series delivered everything that was promised and more. Like every Marvel movie or series, the ending is ambiguous and ominous at the same time. With tons of Easter Eggs and hidden clues, this article will focus on the ending and what it means for the upcoming Marvel shows.
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Episode 6: Falcon becomes the first Black Captain America, Sharon Carter joins the CIA, John Walker is now the US Agent
Popular YouTuber Emergency Awesome scrutinized the ending and revealed some of the hidden details in The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Episode 6.
#5 - Captain America has a vibranium suit and can now fly

The final episode of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier introduced the MCU to their new Captain America. Sam Wilson has finally taken up the shield to lead the new Avengers to the future.
The scenes where Wilson got to show off his new Captain America suit, courtesy of the Wakandans, were brilliantly depicted by the showrunner. He even had a brief interaction with a GRC member where Sam says, "I am Captain America."
The most intriguing feature of the new Captain America is that although he doesn't have the Super Serum, he can fly and fight better than most Marvel villains. His suit is designed by Shuri and fits Sam Wilson's every need as Cap.
#4 Sharon Carter, aka Powerbroker, gets reinstated in the CIA
Sharon Carter was one of the key characters in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. In Episode 6, the showrunners revealed that the Powerbroker was none other than Peggy Carter's niece.
Sharon's character arc has evolved over the course of the Captain America films and has now developed into a full-fledged plot in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.
Fans were left on a cliffhanger as Sharon spoke to an anonymous figure at the end of Episode 6. The end credit scenes are always key in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
It is quite likely that Sharon Carter might be forming her own team. Only time will reveal which side she is on.
After all, it was Sharon Carter who shot and killed Karli Morganthau in the ending scene.
#3 John Walker redeems himself and is the new US Agent

John Walker reappears in the final episode with a faux Captain America shield. He calls out Karli Morganthau and takes the fight to her band of super soldiers. Walker is outnumbered at first, but Bucky comes to his aid.
Walker was dressed in his old Captain America suit. The scenes with Bucky and Walker were perfectly orchestrated to give fans a subtle throwback to Captain America: Winter Soldier.

Walker's character was portrayed brilliantly by actor Wyatt Russel. During the main fight sequence, Walker chose to save the innocents instead of fighting the Flag Smashers. He set his personal differences aside and almost sacrificed himself for the greater good.
YouTuber Emergency Awesome predicted that Walker's US Agent will return in Marvel's Thunderbolts movie.
#2 Val, US Agent, Zemo, Thunderbolt Ross, and the R.A.F.T Prison

On the flip side of things, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier introduced several new villains in the MCU and reinstated some old ones.
Baron Zemo is now at the R.A.F.T. prison, which is run by Secretary of State Thaddeus E. "Thunderbolt" Ross.
Val was introduced in the previous episode and is one of the major antagonists from the Marvel comic books. It is predicted that she will recruit John Walker for the Thunderbolts team, which will be led by Baron Zemo.

In the ending, while Walker and Bucky rounded up the rest of the Flag Smashers, Walker quotes Abraham Lincoln and says, "mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice."
YouTuber Emergency Awesome believes that Marvel is working to establish a good status for Walker's US Agent so that they can explore the character's potential in the future.
#1 The first Black Captain America

The most prominent trope in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier was the racial discrimination faced by African-American citizens in the United States. The very idea of a Black Captain America was rejected long before Sam Wilson.
Isaiah Bradley was living proof that America would never accept anyone who didn't have blond hair and blue eyes in the Captain's spot.
The showrunners portrayed this theme beautifully, and Anthony Mackey hit a home run with his performance as Captain America. His monologue to world leaders at the GRC reminded fans why he was Steve Rogers' first choice.
These scenes were brilliantly crafted with humor and emotion, as is the case in every Marvel movie. They were simultaneously heartwarming and hilarious.

The highlight of the theme was showcased when Sam visited Isaiah and invited him to the Captain America gallery. Wilson showed the newly made memorium for Isaiah Bradley so that no one forgets that there was a Black Captain America after Steve Rogers.
From Wilson's new suit and Bucky's arm being made in Wakanda to Isaiah Bradley's memorium, everything resonates with the theme.
This was one of the most sentimental endings to an action-packed MCU series. Fans can't wait to find out what comes next in the Marvel universe.
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Episode 6 is now streaming on Disney+.