Summer House: Martha's Vineyard season 2 aired its season premiere on Sunday, March 24, 2024 on Bravo. The Bravo show saw most of the cast return to the show but Jasmine's husband, Silas, who was a dominant cast member during the previous season, was not part of the show.
In the pilot season of the show, fans saw the two at odds quite often, due to which viewers often questioned how healthy their relationship was. In the latest episode, Jasmine revealed that they had to go back to marriage counseling, and that they were doing better.
The season 2 cast member also explained that while they were actively working on their relationship, Silas was deployed and was going to be gone for 10 months. This was why the former cast member did not appear in the season premiere.
Jasmine opens up about feeling disconnected from the group in Summer House: Martha's Vineyard season 2 premiere
In the season premiere of Summer House: Martha's Vineyard season 2, the cast celebrated their first night of vacation with an extravagant meal at the end of the night. However, the celebration soon turned sour when the cast started sharing tales of what they had been up to before they started filming for the new season.
The topic turned into a confrontation between several cast members as Summer expressed that she was unhappy about not being invited to one of Alex's events. Other cast members also chimed in and noted that the Summer House: Martha's Vineyard season 2 cast member failed to invite them to his musical event.
While Alex tried to defend himself, the reality star pointed out that while they were on the topic of feeling excluded, he couldn't help but notice that most of the cast left Jasmine out of several gatherings and trips.
When Summer made a comment about Alex deliberately leaving her off the guest list, he said that if she was going to call that out, she needed to ask herself if she did that to someone else as well.
Jasmine asked why she was not included in several events. She told the cameras that since last summer, she felt disconnected from the rest of the Summer House: Martha's Vineyard cast.
"I call on the girls, I check on them, but there hasn't been any reciprocity. It's been real dry. It's been real dry. I don't know what it's not ringing as much, but a lot of y'all wouldn't know each other if it wasn't for me anyway."
Jasmine admitted to the group that she had taken the initiative to always call and check up on them. The Bravo celebrity added that she thought they were working towards something and stated that she felt left out when she saw all of them hang out without her all the time.
Jasmine said that she saw a lot of things online which had the New York folks going out without her.
Noelle, the new cast member asked Jasmine where she stood with the others and Jasmine noted that Alex, Bria, and she talked. She added that she kept calling Shanice but "she's always out," and that Jasmine had spoken to Summer "here and there." Jasmine also stated that she doesn't feel very close to Jordon at the moment.
Jordon defended herself by saying that she would love to have a conversation with her about the same but not with everyone else present.
Summer House: Martha's Vineyard season 2 will air episode 2 on March 31, 2024 on Bravo.