Top 5 Times Pro-Wrestlers Unmasked On Television

#3 Abyss


In 2012, TNA Wrestling had a big opportunity to do a big angle with Abyss. The former TNA World Champion was always known to be a bit psychotic, but no one really knew to what extent.

On the March 8th Impact Wrestling show of that year, Joseph Park would come out and cite himself as Abyss’ brother. He claimed to be looking for his brother, who happened to be missing after TNA Genesis earlier that year.

Park would question several TNA wrestlers about his brother and where he could be. Bully Ray, the leader of the top faction at the time in the company known as Aces and Eights, would be blamed by Park for the disappearance of Abyss. This led to Abyss returning on May 10th of that year and would tell his brother that he was “getting too close to the fire.”

Whenever Abyss was present, Park would not be. The same in reverse. It became obvious that the two were one in the same and Abyss was suffering through a split personality disorder.

The angle went on for what seemed like forever. Finally, things came to a close on Feb. 6th, 2014 when Eric Young ripped off the mask of Abyss to reveal he was really Joseph Park. Abyss would confront Young the following week and tell him that he was leaving to fix Young’s mistake

Abyss would return on March 9th where he would turn heel and he has remained such. Many believe it was a fun angle at first, but it went on far too long and seemed to insult everyone’s intelligence after a while.