
What Is Betting Line in Super Bowl?

Super Bowl Line

The Super Bowl Line simply means the spread. The Super Bowl line is a form of wagering whereby the sportsbook sets gambling odds and determines the favorite and the underdog teams in a match. The handicap then creates a margin line between the two teams, leaving only two outcomes possible.

Odds to Win in Super Bowl

If the number behind the plus sign is big, the team is a bigger underdog. For instance, the Buffalo Bills have the best odds of +450 to win in the Super Bowl.

How will the Super Bowl Odds Appear?

The favorite team is posted with a minus sign and number, while the underdog is posted with a positive sign and a number.

The Best Bets in Super Bowl

The best bets in Super Bowl include futures bets, moneylines, over/under bets, and point spreads.

Point Spread in Super Bowl

A point spread is defined as a wager placed on the margin of triumph in the Super Bowl.

Super Bowl Moneyline

Betting on the Moneyline in Super Bowl means betting on which team will win the game. You don’t even need to consider the margin of winning. If the team you bet on wins, you win your bet. It is vital to note that if you bet on the favorite, your payout is lower, and if you bet on the underdog, you don’t get an advantage over the spread.

Player Prop Bets in the Super Bowl

Prop bets touch on every aspect of the Super Bowl. This includes which team will win the opening coin toss and which player will score the first touchdown. These are the aspects that focus on the performance of single players.

Super Bowl Total (over/under)

The over/under bet in Super Bowl involves predicting the total number of points that will be scored in the game. If the total for the Super Bowl is 49, betting on the over means the teams will combine to score more than 49 points, while betting on the under means you will win if the teams combine for lower than 49 points.

Exotic Prop Bets in the Super Bowl

Exotic prop bets are offered only on certain games. These are games that are of extreme importance, meaning they inspire more wagering than normal. In the Super Bowl, these bets are offered even before the game starts.

Bets on the Super Bowl MVP

MVP odds usually reflect the implied probability of a certain player winning the MVP. For instance, player A (-120) and player B (+187). This means that when you place a $100 bet on player A, you will earn a profit of $83. A $100 bet on player B will earn you a profit of $187.

Alternate Lines in the Super Bowl

Betting on alternate lines involves buying or selling points on the spread or total for a sporting event in the Super Bowl. Buying points leads to a larger payout in exchange for a safer outcome because the odds get lower. Selling points, however, increases the odds and potential profits which can be won.

NFL Super Bowl Futures bets

Futures bets in the NFL give you lots of options for betting. This is because a futures bet is anything that is determined over the course of the season. Therefore, the sheer number of things to predict in the NFL means that you can win a lot of money if you can get them right.

What are the Best Super Bowl Betting Sites and Bonuses?

  • FanDuel- For 56/1 Super Bowl odds, a bet of $5 will win new bettors $280 if they wager on the winning team.

  • DraftKings Sportsbook- new users who place a bet of $5, will win $280 due to the +5600 odds boost offered.

  • Barstool Sportsbook- new users get $56 in free bets plus a $1000 risk-free bet when they sign up.

  • BetMGM Sportsbook- new users get a $560 deposit match bonus.

  • Caesars Sportsbook- new users, will enjoy a deposit match bonus of up to 1,500.

The Best Betting Tips and Strategies for The Super Bowl

If you are looking to win some money during Super Bowl week, you should consider utilizing the tips and strategies below.

Strategy 1

The first strategy is to bet on the point spread, which is the supposed margin of victory of the game. The favorite is specified by a minus sign in front of the spread, while the underdog is indicated by a positive value. Consider betting on the underdog as they win more games.

Strategy 2

Consider putting your cash on the Quarterbacks, as they get preferential favoritism. When an underdog wins the Super Bowl, the quarterback takes home the MVP. If you think the game will close and may be decided by a dominant defender, you should give it serious consideration.

Strategy 3

Consider betting using prop bets, as they are the most fun and widespread betting options during the Super Bowl. However, you must consider how realistic some of the over/under bets are.

Which States in the US allow Betting on the Super Bowl?

Arizona, Arkansas, Mississippi, Montana, Connecticut, Louisiana, Maryland, North Carolina, South Dakota, Washington, Wisconsin, New York, California, and Wyoming.

Money Bet on the Super Bowl

In 2022, the money bet on the Super Bowl amounted to $179,823,715, and it generated a profit of $15,413,228.

How to Choose the Best Sportsbook for Super Bowl Betting?

As stated above, sportsbooks go big with their bonuses and betting options for Super Bowl. Therefore, to choose the best sportsbook, consider picking one with the best bonuses and betting options. This way, your chances of winning and the returns you make will be higher.

Super Bowl Betting Lines: Conclusion

In conclusion, Super Bowl betting lines are the gambling odds set and determined by the sportsbooks. These lines are used to identify the favorite and the underdog teams in a match. The bookmaker can handicap the betting line and set the parameters for wagering on the game.