Dark Matter episode 4 ending explained: Did Jason figure out how the Box works?

Dark Matter episode 4 ending explained: Did Jason figure out how the Box works? (Image via Apple TV+)
Dark Matter episode 4 ending explained: Did Jason figure out how the Box works? (Image via Apple TV+)

That if the alternate reality is way worse than yours? Well, that’s what Dark Matter episode 4 was all about, where Amanda and Jason try to find a way out, but it was not as easy as they anticipated. The Jason of both universes are very well aware of the fact that there are infinite possibilities, which, in a way, makes it challenging to navigate from point A to point B and back.

The duo, who embarked on an unprecedented journey, have encountered situations and horrifying realities that have made them question at some point if they are ever going to find a reality that feels like home. Throughout their journey, they try to understand each other, which helps them strengthen their bond.

Given the two share the same pain of being away from their loved ones, a distance that can’t be covered in miles, they fight for solace in each other’s company, realizing that they are not alone. However, their inability to find a perfect reality certainly broke their spirits, but fortunately, their experience and everything else led them to the answers they had been looking for all along.

Disclaimer: This article contains major spoilers for Dark Matter episode 4. Reader’s discretion is advised.

(Note: Given the series revolves around the same characters from different worlds, each individual will be referred to with a number at the end of their name, which is given based on their chronological appearance on the show.)

Dark Matter episode 4: Jason 1 and Amanda find their answers to how the Box works

An unstable reality, as seen in Dark Matter episode 4 (Image via Apple TV+)
An unstable reality, as seen in Dark Matter episode 4 (Image via Apple TV+)

In Dark Matter episode 4, while Jason 1 and Amanda were trying to find a perfect reality similar to theirs, all they encountered were those that were way worse with no sign of human life. In one reality, they almost died when the sun got too close to Earth, making the planet a literal hell.

The horror of what awaited on the other side of the doors in the Box’s corridor made Amanda utterly scared. In one reality, the duo discovered the death of another Amanda, whom Dawn killed.

After growing restless with these terrifying realities, Amanda decided to open a door by herself, and she ended up in a reality where the planet was completely frozen. After Amanda got unconscious, Jason 1 carried her to a nearby shelter, where he saved her from hypothermia.

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After Amanda woke up, she talked, recalling an event from her childhood about a total whiteout. This eventually rang a bell in Jason 1, who, after connecting the dots, realized that they were in control all the time. Jason further elaborated that it was not the doors that led them to these universes but what was going on in their heads the moment they opened each door.

A reality where Earth is affected by the Polar Vortex, as seen in Dark Matter episode 4 (Image via Apple TV+)
A reality where Earth is affected by the Polar Vortex, as seen in Dark Matter episode 4 (Image via Apple TV+)

Jason further elaborated that it was them choosing these universes unintentionally, as witnessed in Dark Matter episode 4:

We know that the doors in the corridor connect to infinite universes that seem random, totally unconnected, and uncontrolled. But what if our minds defining those connections? They are not random at all. That somehow, we are choosing this world. Not intentionally, but what if the world’s are reflection of our emotional state the moment we open the door?

Here, what Jason 1 has subtly referred to is the observer effect, a theory in quantum mechanics that says the act of observation can change the outcome of a quantum event. So, the conscious awareness of Jason 1 and Amanda is directly influencing the reality behind each door they have been opening since they got in the box.

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Dark Matter episode 4: Why the other Jason revealed the Box to Leighton 1

Leighton 2, as seen in Dark Matter episode 4 (Image via Apple TV+)
Leighton 2, as seen in Dark Matter episode 4 (Image via Apple TV+)

In every universe shown so far, the only person who seemed to be more close as a friend to Jason was Ryan. Despite the differences between the parallel versions, both Jasons have noticed to be more wary of Ryan. The bond between Jason 1 and Leighton 1 gradually faded over time until they became complete strangers.

However, in Jason 2’s universe, things were completely opposite, where Leighton 2 was his investor who helped him create the box. By sending Jason 1 to his universe, Jason 2 was trying to live his life, having Danielle as his wife and Charlie as his son.

Beyond this, Jason 2 had nothing in his to-do book, but out of the blue, he decided to pay a visit to Leighton of the universe or Leighton 1. In this universe, Leighton remained an apathetic, rich brat with no purpose. Given that Jason 2 gave up his job as a professor, which he deemed a waste of time, he needed a source of income, so he headed to meet Leighton 1.

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The former convinced the latter by making him experience superposition in the Box. One thing that made Jason 2 different from Jason 1 was his passion for his work, the wealth he accumulated over time, and his popularity in his world.

Jason 2 shaking hands with Leighton 1 means he is back in business to find new horizons with his partner and to keep Danielle and Charlie financially secure. After giving Charlie a new car as a present for his birthday, Jason 1 told Danielle that they don’t have to worry about money now, given he found a new investor for his project.

Dark Matter episode 4: What happened to Leighton 2

Leighton 2 struggling inside the Box, as seen in Dark Matter episode 4 (Image via Apple TV+)
Leighton 2 struggling inside the Box, as seen in Dark Matter episode 4 (Image via Apple TV+)

After losing Amanda and Jason 1 from his grasp, Leighton 2 was infuriated to the point that he decided to go inside the Box and figure out how it works on his own. Unlike Jason 1, 2, and Amanda, Leighton 2 only had the schematics and the theory regarding superposition, but the practical knowledge of how to enter a desired reality or run back to his own was something he lacked.

Currently, Jason 2 is still stuck in the Box, where he is running through the infinite corridor, opening each door on his way. However, given he has yet to figure out the observer effect, things are getting worse with each door he opens a door, and his condition is deteriorating rapidly. Leighton 2’s fate hangs in the balance like the other candidates, including Blair Caplan, in his universe.

Also read: Dark Matter episode 5 release date and time

Stay tuned for more news and updates on Dark Matter and all your favorite TV shows and movies as 2024 progresses.

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