Vyse voicelines in Valorant can give players context about the character and her position in the game's lore. It also provides insight into her personality, helping players connect with the latest addition to the Valorant protocol. In different situations, Vyse communicates with different Agents on both sides of the match, and reacts differently depending on the situation, making her a unique character.
This article covers Vyse voicelines in Valorant.
Note: Generic emote voicelines have not been included in the article as they are the same for all Valorant Agents.
Vyse voicelines in different scenarios in Valorant
Character select
- "All paths end with me."
Match start
- "A battle is just a conflict in need of resolution. Focus on the fix, then execute."
- "History doesn't remember the almosts. We'll be the best or we'll be forgotten."
- "Practice is easy. Safe. Sterile. This is where you are truly measured."
- "I didn't come here to lose. We'll win or we'll die."
- "This is what we trained for. Pick a weapon, choose a sector, and fight for your future."
- "Our enemies had every chance to back down. But they chose violence and I choose to reply in kind."
- "It's time. Remember your role. Keep your nerve. And if all else fails, send them my way."
- Abyss - "If it were up to me, I'd have Raze rig this place with explosives and send it crashing into the void."
- Icebox - "So this is the project that sapped my funding all those years ago? Looks like it worked out well for you Kingdom."
- Lotus - "So much to research here... But here we are, about to fill it with bullet holes."
- Pearl - "Hmm. Impressive engineering for a precarious little place."
- Split - "Why hasn't Kingdom abandoned their headquarters here yet? Who would've thought? Huh? So be it."
- Sunset - "Interverse research causing massive catastrophes. Huh. Imagine that."
- As an attacker - "Your enemy has everything you need to survive. You have the means to take it, so take it."
- As an attacker - "Five people stand between us and what's ours. Arm up and fight for your future."
- As an attacker - "Our key objectives today are, kill the opposition and plant the Spike. Great. Very doable."
- As a defender - "The temerity. To think they can come here and take what's ours. No."
- As a defender - "The self-righteous thieves are back. Good. I have plans for them."
- Allied Brimstone - "Say you hadn't founded VALORANT, Brimstone. Do you think you'd still get in now? Do you think you have something the rest of us don't, besides from experience of course."
- Enemy Chamber - "Oh good, they brought the gun obsessed valet. Let's see if his predictability matches his vanity."
- Enemy Cypher - "Their Cypher will share his knowledge with me. Even if I have to prise it out of him."
- Allied Omen - "Omen, surely VALORANT has the budget to replace those rags hanging off you."
- Allied Viper - "We saved the world once, Sabine. I don't doubt that we can do it again."
- Enemy Vyse - "I see I have an imposter across the way. Hm. I'll take it as a compliment."
Also read: Valorant Vyse release date and time for all regions
Match win
- "That's one way of getting what you want, I suppose? I'll take it."
- "Victory might have been inevitable, but damn it feels good."
- "Act is satisfied. Well done."
- "I deserve this. Uh. We. We deserve this."
- Abyss - "I never thought I'd make pleasant memories here. Huh. Well done."
Round start
- "They brought weapons made of metal? To kill me? Huh. Ironic."
- "Control the space, control their choices."
- "Speak up and ask questions. Assumptions will only get us in trouble."
- "I feel no empathy for them. What does that say about me? Don't answer. It was rhetorical."
- "I demand what I'm owed."
- "Ability, dedication, time. That's all we need."
- "I'll isolate the problem. You crush it."
- "This is where someone says something pithy and we pretend to tolerate them. Go ahead, I'll wait."
- Enemy Brimstone - "Their Brimstone will learn what real leadership looks like."
- Enemy Clove - "I can't end their Clove but I can break their spirit."
- Enemy Fade - "I hear Fade has trouble sleeping. Hm. I'll be her remedy."
- Enemy KAY/O - "Whoever puts their Kay/O back together is going to have their hands full after this."
- Enemy Killjoy - "They call their Killjoy a genius and yet here she is, walking into a battlefield wearing bright yellow."
- Enemy Omen - "This isn't fair, being forced to fight Omen. Sigh But this isn't a fair world."
- Allied Raze - "So... You use explosives to propel yourself, Raze. That's... That's creative. I think I like it."
- Allied Viper - "Oh Sabine, how did we both change careers and still end up working together?"
- Enemy Yoru - "I want Yoru's head. Figuratively. But also let's kill him."
- Coming back to score - "Good. Now we build on this success."
- Coming back to score - "Momentum is a powerful thing. Keep it up."
- Coming back to score - "That was evidence of our worth, now we prove it."
- Doing great - "If they're learning it's not fast enough."
- Doing great - "Never interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake."
- Doing great - "There's something to be said for downright doggedness. Most people would know when they're beaten."
- Doing great - "I love it when our competition embraces chaos theory and makes the same mistakes expecting different results."
- Doing great - "Progress. Good."
- Last round as Attackers - "Frugality has its place, but it's not here. Spend."
- Last round as Defenders - "No sense in saving now. Spend. Enjoy the arsenal."
- Match point - "Their spirits are broken, let's attend to the rest."
- Match point - "Mercy now would be weakness. Break them."
- Won last round - "We're finding our feet. Excellent."
- Won last round - "Keep pushing don't give them time to adapt."
- Won last round - "Hm. I'm partial to winning, let's do more of it."
- Won last round - "Success is the only axis that matters."
- Won last round - "People are all the same. Predictable. Punishable."
- Allied Breach - "You're a disruptive one, Breach. But that's welcomed here. Go rattle their heads for us."
Also read: Valorant developer reveals Vyse's abilities function like a "Spider Web"

Barrier down
- "Isn't this fun?"
- "What are the use in lessons if we don't learn?"
- "I am the master of my fate."
- "Don't give them any chances."
- "They've taken enough. No more."
- "Show them we're better."
- "Even isn't good enough."
- "You get what you fight for."
- "These parameters are too close."
- "Move."
- "We must be better."
- "Again."
- "Come on, test us!"
- "Back to it."
- "Alright then, let's go kill them."
- "Let's kill this competition."
- "No more theory."
- "Check your posture."
- Enemy Brimstone - "I'll demolish their Brimstone."
- Allied Gekko - "Mind your way, Gekko."
- Allied Harbor - "Force them out, Harbor."
- Allied Omen - "Send them to me, Omen."
- Enemy Sage - "I'll give their Sage something to heal."
- Allied Skye - "Lead the way, Skye."
- Allied Viper - "Just like old times, Viper."
- Enemy Viper - "Leave me with Viper."
- Enemy Brimstone - "Has-been."
- Enemy Clove - "Clove's in timeout."
- Enemy Deadlock - "Deadlock picked."
- Enemy Gekko - "Sorry little guy."
- Enemy KAY/O - "Fixer down."
- Enemy Killjoy - "That's not getting reassembled."
- Enemy Viper - "So long, Sabine."
- Enemy Viper (last kill) - "There goes the competition."
- Enemy Vyse (last kill) - "Who do you think you are?"
- "Redundant."
- "Futile."
- "Shame."
- "Obsolete."
- "Ah!"
- "Irrelevant."
- "Go away."
- "Deficient."
- "Just die."
- Headshot - "Tragic."
- Headshot - "Down."
- Headshot - "Pinpoint."
- Headshot - "Please."
- Headshot - "Perfect."
- Headshot - "Hush up."
- Last kill - "That's the last of them."
- Last kill - "Those were your last words?"
- Last kill - "I'll have what I'm owed."
- Last kill - "If you can't do something right, don't do it at all."
- Last kill - "You can't see my face right now, but just know, I'm smiling."
- Last kill (Enemy MVP) - "Who gave you all that confidence?"
- Last kill (Enemy MVP) - "And you were doing so well..."
- Triple kill - "Three down."
- Triple kill - "That's three."
- Quadra kill - "Minus four."
- Quadra kill - "Four!"
- Melee kill - "That looked painful."
- Melee kill - "I hope that hurt."
- Melee last kill - "You have to break some bones to change the world."
- Melee last kill - "I'm a hands-on kind of leader."
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- "I'll drive this world forward by my damn self."
- "I have the vision. I am the means."
- "This world will be one that I make."
- "If any of you mattered, you'd be alive."
- Allied Fade - "You remind me of me sometimes, Fade. Good work."
- Allied Iso - "That's one way of manifesting flow state, nicely done, Iso."
- Allied KAY/O - "I studied robotics for a time. But I've never seen anything like you, Kay/O. Remarkable."
- Allied Omen - "I never tire of watching you work, Omen."
- Allied Reyna - "Tactically sound, practically proficient. Fine work, Reyna."
- Allied Viper - "Still sharp, Sabine."
- Herself - "Good, aren't I?"
Clutch play
- "This world will know my name!"
- "I am everything that you're not."
- "I expected a little more competency."
Flawless round
- "A team like this can do anything."
- "Good this is our new standard."
- "That's a hell of a benchmark."
Thrifty round
- "All that and with so few means."
- Cast - "Launching thorns."
- Cast - "Thorns down."
- Cast - "Rip and tear."
- Activated - "Thorns activated."
- Destroyed - "Thorns down."
- Destroyed - "No more thorns."
- Kill - "Mangled."
- Kill - "Bled out."
- Pick up - "Retrieving thorn trap."
- Pick up - "Retrieving thorns."
- Cast - "Placing wall trap."
- Cast - "Wall set."
- Cast - "Now we wait."
- Destroyed - "Wall destroyed."
- Destroyed - "Wall trap destroyed."
- Pick up - "Retrieving wall."
- Pick up - "Need to move my wall."
- Tripped - "Wall tripped!"
Arc Rose
- Activated - "Blinding!"
- Activated - "Flashing!"
- Cast - "Blinding prepped."
- Cast - "Flash placed."
- Destroyed - "Flash trap destroyed."
- Destroyed - "My blind is dead."
- Flased enemies - "Good hit."
- Kill after flash - "Brilliant."
- Kill after flash - "Blind and dead."
- Pick up - "Too obvious."
- Pick up - "Retrieving flash."
Steel Garden
- Allly - "Bring me the arsenal!"
- Enemy - "Adapt or DIE!"
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Spike defusal
- Defused spike - "No. Not while I'm here."
- Defused spike - "I don't lose."
- Defusing spike, out of time - "Move faster."
- Defusing spike, out of time - "This is bullshit."
- Defusing spike, out of time - "Okay, okay."
- Resumption of defuse - "A for effort."
- Resumption of defuse - "You have to be smarter than that."
- One kill remaining - "This is it. One left."
- Runner up - "Acceptable, good, even. But I can do better."
- Runner up - "I was so close! Put me back in."
Vyse's voice in Valorant has been played by Marta Svetek. She has lent her voice to characters in other video games like Battlefield 2042 and FNAF: Security Breach.