Valorant Clove Ultimate ability guide: How to use Not Dead Yet effectively

Clove Ultimate ability guide: All about Not Dead Yet.
Clove Ultimate ability guide: All about Not Dead Yet (Image via Riot Games)

Valorant's Clove has an Ultimate ability called Not Dead Yet that is game-changing. Although a Controller's primary role is to use smokes and stay alive, the new Scottish Agent has changed the meta with their aggressiveness. Their Ultimate is more than just a second wind; it's a strategic tool. This article will teach you how to leverage your temporary reprieve for clutch plays that would leave other Agents down for the count.

It will explore high-risk, high-reward scenarios to help you dominate the battlefield with Not Dead Yet.

Note: Parts of this article are speculative and reflect the writer's opinions.

Valorant Clove Ultimate ability guide: What is Not Dead Yet?

The Clove Ultimate ability where they revive themselves (Image via Riot Games)
The Clove Ultimate ability where they revive themselves (Image via Riot Games)

Forget fearing death. Embrace and weaponize it. If Valorant had taglines, then this is would be the one for Clove's Ultimate ability. The Scottish troublemaker is Valorant's second Agent with the ability to self-revive, following the footsteps of Phoenix.

The Clove Ultimate differs from Phoenix, who can use his ult to barge into the objective site after leaving his main body behind. This ability is not his main body but a fiery projection of his actual self. Phoenix cannot use his ult if he is dead.

Clove's Ultimate, on the other hand, revives them after their death. Their kit, including the Ruse ability, is designed in a way that can benefit the player and their team after this unit perishes on the battlefield.

How does Clove Ultimate ability work?

After dying, the Agent has a short window to revive themself, as denoted in the UI (Image via Riot Games)
After dying, the Agent has a short window to revive themself, as denoted in the UI (Image via Riot Games)

Clove's Ultimate ability requires seven Ultimate points in Valorant. While this skill functions as a self-resurrection, it's not a free pass. After being eliminated, Clove has a short window to activate Not Dead Yet and come back to life. A visual cue for this will show up on your screen.

The Agent resurrects themselves and becomes invincible (similar to Reyna's dismiss). The time taken for this is approximately two seconds, although you can use the Ultimate ability button to get out of this dismiss mode before that.

Clove will die if they do not get a kill or damaging assist within the timeframe after using their Ultimate ability (Image via Riot Games)
Clove will die if they do not get a kill or damaging assist within the timeframe after using their Ultimate ability (Image via Riot Games)

However, this second chance at life comes with a condition: Secure a kill or damaging assist within 12 seconds; otherwise, you die again automatically. You'll need to be decisive and aggressive to claim your kill or assist and solidify your revival. This makes Not Dead Yet a powerful tool for outplays and clutch moments but also one that demands calculated risk-taking.

Unlike Phoenix, whose death counter doesn't increase when he dies in his Ultimate, the one Clove has will increase if they die after reviving themselves.

Clove Ultimate ability guide: How to use Not Dead Yet effectively?

The Clove Ultimate can be used to defend the spike for a clutch play (Image via Riot Games)
The Clove Ultimate can be used to defend the spike for a clutch play (Image via Riot Games)

Not Dead Yet isn't a guaranteed get-out-of-jail-free card. To truly master this ability, you need to understand when and how to use it effectively; it shines best in clutch situations.

While on the attack, use your revival to catch the enemy off guard and secure the kill. Defending a tight post-plant scenario? Pop your ult, reposition fast, and deny the enemy team the defuse.

If you find yourself in a gunfight where both you and the enemy are likely to die, activate Not Dead Yet right after your demise. This gives you a chance to kill the individual who eliminated you and grant your team a number advantage.

The Clove Ultimate throws a wrench into traditional Valorant gameplay. It's a powerful tool that grants a second chance but one that demands calculated aggression. By understanding the situations where it excels and using it in conjunction with team communication and creative tactics, you can transform Clove into a relentless nightmare for your opponents.

If you are looking to main this unit in Valorant, here are five Agents you may want to pair up with the Scottish Controller.

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