10 Questions from WrestleMania 33 that we most need answering

Not a bad effort Vince!

#2 Does Dean Ambrose even care anymore?

The Lunatic lost-cause?

For a while now, fans have come to realise that Dean Ambrose will probably be the one to come out of the Shield with the least to his name. Despite a WWE Championship reign, he has not enjoyed the heights of Roman or Seth in the past couple of years.

Nowhere was that more apparent than here at WrestleMania 33.

While Seth was defeating HHH in an unsanctioned fight (more on that later), and Roman was busy with the small matter of retiring the Undertaker (more on that later too), Dean was relegated to the pre-show to defend his rarely seen Intercontinental title against Baron Corbin.

Without knowing the full ins and outs, it would probably come as no surprise if this was revealed to be a last minute decision. Both men came to the ring looking slightly forlorn, and Dean in particular just didn’t seem up for the occasion.

Credit should go to Corbin here, as the guy tried his best to make this feel like an event, but the IC champ himself looked like he would rather have been anywhere else.

Anyone who has followed his career will know what a talent the man is, but it’s pretty clear that the WWE have run out of ideas for him, and perhaps Ambrose himself feels like his relationship with the company has run its course.

Who knows what will become of the Lunatic Fringe, but any more outings like that, and the fans will no doubt turn even further against him.

LMAO. Check out who just called Becky Lynch 'tiny' RIGHT HERE