10 Questions from WrestleMania 33 that we most need answering

Not a bad effort Vince!

#3 Where does Shane Vs. AJ rank amongst the all-time great Mania openers?

That’s how you open a show

A match that I think pleasantly surprised a lot of people was the opening contest between AJ Styles and the SmackDown Live Commissioner Shane McMahon. This match delivered on a number of levels.

They both managed to work their opposing styles into the match with Shane trying to prove to AJ that he could hang with him in a wrestling match, while the Phenomenal one would take the brawl to McMahon now and again just to show he could. There were a couple of high spots in there but nothing over the top.

As far as WrestleMania openers go, this was certainly up there.

WrestleManias 10 and 30 are generally considered to be host to the best openers of all time, but this match does deserve to be part of the conversation.

Whilst not having the spectacle and underlying drama of a Bret vs Owen or Daniel Bryan vs HHH, it brought something fresh and interesting at a time when most of the matches in the WWE follow a very similar pattern.

What do people think about this one?