4 interesting feuds AJ Styles could be part of on WWE Raw

AJ Styles made a return to the Monday Nights after he got drafted from Smackdown
AJ Styles made a return to the Monday Nights after he got drafted from Smackdown

#3 Drew McIntyre

Drew Mcintyre is one of the biggest potential superstars in the WWE roster right now
Drew Mcintyre is one of the biggest potential superstars in the WWE roster right now

This is arguably one of the more interesting feuds that could take place on Raw. Drew McIntyre is the young up and comer who plays the heel character to perfection while AJ Styles is the established veteran who has seen it all and done it all. Drew is expected by many to be the next big thing and to really lead the roster once he gets the push.

AJ, on the other hand, is already the big thing. He's got his push and he's shown what he's capable of. A clash between these two would cause fireworks because of its not only a stylistic clash, but also it's a clash between one of the biggest faces versus the biggest heel in WWE. It would also bring a semblance of freshness to the storyline as well as the two haven't really squared up against each other before.

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