5 reasons why Seth Rollins is at risk of losing his Universal Championship

Will Seth Rollins lose to Baron Corbin or Brock Lesnar?
Will Seth Rollins lose to Baron Corbin or Brock Lesnar?

#4 Brock Lesnar has the Money in the Bank briefcase

Lesnar is almost confirmed another Universal Championship reign
Lesnar is almost confirmed another Universal Championship reign

Even though it is said to expect the unexpected in WWE, the fans never do so. They believe what WWE portrays on television and all of their thinking is based upon that, which is normal but not always the case. Fans expected Drew McIntyre or Ali to win the Money in the Bank briefcase, which didn't happen because Brock Lesnar had to shock us.

He came, won the briefcase, and left the building. Since then, he has been teasing his cash-in on Seth Rollins. Lesnar dismantled Rollins on Raw but convinced himself to wait until Super ShowDown. The Beast thought that it would be easy to beat Rollins for the title but he wasn't aware of the fact that the champ knows how to use low-blows.

This move helped him beat Lesnar at WrestleMania 35, and it again did the job in Saudi Arabia as the cash-in didn't happen. Since Lesnar still has the briefcase, it makes sense to expect Rollins losing the title soon. Perhaps Vince McMahon wants this to happen.