5 Superstars Randy Orton could target next 

Who will Randy Orton target next after his beatdowns on Edge and Matt Hardy?
Who will Randy Orton target next after his beatdowns on Edge and Matt Hardy?

#3 Rusev

Rusev could really benefit from an encounter with Randy Orton right now!
Rusev could really benefit from an encounter with Randy Orton right now!

The Bulgarian Brute has been off television for a few weeks now, and hopefully some quality time away will allow him to retun fresh and with a clear direction -- maybe even with the crowd behind him as a babyface, which is what WWE tried but only partially succeeded in doing with the storyline between him, Lana, and Lashley.

Rumors have been circulating of Rusev bein in a contract dispute, so why not go for broke and make him the next victim of Randy Orton? At least that way, he can gain some much needed sympathy for being taken out, and then one of two things can happen with him. Either the company can convince him to stay and he can be repackaged or rehabilitated in some way, or they can use a brutal attack by Orton as a way to write him off TV, similar to what appears to be happening with Matt Hardy, whose contract is reportedly ending soon.

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