5 Possible Surprises for RAW: 2-time Champion could cost Bobby Lashley a WWE Championship win, failing faction could get a push before WrestleMania 37

What lies ahead on RAW?
What lies ahead on RAW?

#2. Randy Orton does something to combat Alexa Bliss' constant torture on RAW

Where could we be heading with this?
Where could we be heading with this?

Randy Orton cut a good promo on RAW last week, stating that failure isn't a word he accepts or is too familiar with. But lately, he has been finding himself failing in a lot of situations, giving a recent example - where he was the first Superstar eliminated from the RAW Elimination Chamber match.

Randy Orton insisted that no matter how much Alexa Bliss wants him and everyone to believe that The Fiend will return to RAW - he won't. Orton did, however, blame Alexa Bliss for his recent failures on RAW, and the promo ended in the weirdest way possible - with black liquid spurting out of his mouth.

We've seen that black liquid with Alexa Bliss as well, and the indication is that she is behind it. It's possible that this week on RAW, Randy Orton finds Alexa Bliss and assaults her. While males attacking female stars isn't something we see in WWE these days, it would make perfect sense in this storyline.

It would also add a lot of heat to the story on RAW as well, which has slowed down slightly in the last month.