5 WrestleMania matches that could become a gimmick match

The official WrestleMania 33 poster

#3 The Undertaker vs. Roman Reigns

The crowd will be fully behind The Undertaker

This match was first teased in the Royal Rumble and was stalled by Reigns dispatching of Braun Strowman at Fastlane. However, things got back on track this week, with Roman standing up to ‘Taker on Raw, before being chokeslammed.

The WWE is most likely to book a powerful spot-filled match here, with heavy reliance on the crowd to carry it, being that 95% will vocally side with The Undertaker. However, The Undertaker really looked his age at the Royal Rumble and the WWE would certainly mask his vulnerabilities by turning this into a gimmick match.

The Undertaker hasn’t wrestled since WrestleMania 32, where he wrestled Shane McMahon in the Hell in the Cell, which is, of course, a gimmick match.

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