5 WWE Superstars who fans want to see hold a title in 2020

Quite a few Superstars would be popular Champions in 2020.
Quite a few Superstars would be popular Champions in 2020.

#1 Big E

One of the most popular WWE Superstars today is somebody whose push is just getting started. With Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston out due to injury (Kofi Kingston has been given time off and written off TV for some weeks), it is time for Big E to take over the spotlight all on his own. And the fans cannot wait to see where he goes, following over five years of being part of the ever-consistent New Day.

Big E has it all. He is strong, quick, sharp, witty, and charismatic. The eight-time Tag Team Champion has everything going for him. And with an open book in front of him, it is up to Big E to become an absolute star on his own.

While his persona has not changed from the goofy and fun-loving giant he has been, Big E's improved in-ring game leads us to believe there are big plans for him. While a program with AJ Styles over the Intercontinental Championship is extremely mouth-watering, Big E is 100 percent WWE World Title material.

He might be one of the very few names who would not be booed if he defeated "The Fiend" Bray Wyatt, the likely next Universal Champion. Big E is definitely going to be a star. It is just a matter of how far WWE is willing to go with him. If the fans had their way, he would likely be the face of SmackDown.

Either way, Big E must become a singles Champion in WWE before the end of the year. He is leaps and bounds ahead of what he was pre-New Day, both in terms of performance and public perception. The world is ready for Big E as the Universal Champion in 2020.