5 WWE Superstars John Cena has never faced in singles competition

There are some superstars John Cena is yet to face one-on-one
There are some superstars John Cena is yet to face one-on-one

John Cena is one of the greatest superstars in WWE history. He has won everything there is to win within the company, and his achievements, legacy, and popularity with the WWE Universe make him a compelling shout for the G.O.A.T conversation.

Cena's resume glitters with world title reigns, records, and Hollywood success. Another jewel in his crown is his longevity in the business. Unlike 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin, who was on top of the mountain for only a couple of years, The Champ has held the fort down for two decades.

Since 2002, the 16-time world champion has faced countless superstars in the ring in one-on-one action. However, there have been some wrestlers he hasn't gotten the opportunity to face yet. For some of these competitors, not getting to face Cena is understandable, owing to circumstances and other factors. However, others are total surprises, and we are baffled as to why WWE never considered these bouts.

On that note, here are five superstars John Cena has never faced in singles competition.

#5. On our list of superstars who have never faced John Cena in singles competition: Ricochet

The One and Only dream match that Cena needs
The One and Only dream match that Cena needs

Ricochet is one of the finest high-flyers in the world who is held back only by questionable booking decisions and lack of TV time. Case in point - his current Intercontinental Championship reign, which sees him barely appear on shows despite being a top champion.

Ricochet needs high-profile feuds and matches to show the WWE Universe just how talented he is truly. When it comes to big matches, no one symbolizes it quite like Big Match John himself. Given how the two have never faced each other before, a contest between them would be absolute fireworks.

If The One and Only and The Cenation Leader are given the time and the storyline, one can expect a battle on par with the classics Cena contested with AJ Styles.

#4. Robert Roode

A match between Cena and Roode would be glorious
A match between Cena and Roode would be glorious

How has John Cena never faced Robert Roode throughout his career? A matchup between them is quite literally the textbook definition of the face versus heel dynamic. How WWE hasn't booked a match between these two yet is simply beyond us.

Roode has been a part of WWE for a long time and has predominantly played the bad guy role. At some point, he should run into Cena and challenge him to a match between two wrestling veterans. We do not doubt that it will be a throwback to the basics and a fantastic contest with gripping storytelling.

#3. Theory

Don't let the tweet fool you. Theory is a young and smug star who thinks he is better than everyone else. With Vince McMahon's backing, he runs around thinking he is the face of WWE. He can beat Mustafa Ali all he wants, but we ain't buying his boasts until he beats the actual face of the company in John Cena.

Cena recently told WWE's TikTok account in a Q&A that the wrestler who is most deserving of an Attitude Adjustment is the current United States Champion. The challenge has already been thrown down, and given how the two have never clashed in singles competition before, fans will no doubt love to see them go at it.

The Franchise Player is arguably the greatest United States Champion in the company's history. Him going up against the current one is a fresh matchup that WWE would be wise to book.

#2. Ciampa

If Ciampa gets to face Cena, we are throwing all our money at WWE
If Ciampa gets to face Cena, we are throwing all our money at WWE

John Cena versus Ciampa is a match fans have only seen in WWE 2K games. The two are industry veterans and among the best to ever do it, but circumstances have kept them apart for the entirety of their WWE careers.

Now that Ciampa is on RAW, he is a dream match waiting to happen for Cena. This contest would be worthy of main-eventing any pay-per-view and would blow the roof of any arena in the world. The Cenation Leader's powerful offense against The Blackheart's craft and guile is a match (pun intended) made in heaven.

#1. Drew McIntyre


John Cena and Drew McIntyre have clashed before, but only in multi-man matches. They are yet to face each other in one-on-one action. We have no doubt that should it happen today, it would be a marquee contest that is WrestleMania-worthy.

A couple of years ago, McIntyre told On Demand Entertainment that he would love nothing more than to face Cena in singles competition. He lamented the fact that he never got the opportunity to face him one-on-one and stated that the match, if it happens, would have more hype behind it than anything else.

"Where I'm at today in my career and managing to reach the top of the industry after so many ups and downs, and where John is at, he's just on another level. He's conquered WWE, conquering Hollywood, but he still loves WWE more than anything and wants to come back and help and have those big matches. There's no bigger match, as far as I'm concerned than John Cena vs. McIntyre."

The Scottish Warrior is currently one of the biggest stars in the business and has come a long way since Cena used to rule the roost. A matchup between him and the torchbearer of the modern era would be a sight any wrestling fan would want to see.

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