Best and Worst of Hell in a Cell - 30th October 2016

Despite the questionable booking, Sasha and Charlotte definitely made history

#2 Worst: Roman/Rusev went on too long

Maybe some blood would have added a new dimension to this contest

We live in a safer, PG, family friendly era, where even the most brutal brawls seem underwhelming because of the lack of blood. So, while Rusev and Reigns did not have a bad match per se, their contest felt a little flat because the brutality they tried to capture was honestly missing.

Moreover, it went on for close to 40 minutes and should have ended long before it actually did. We hope Roman Reigns moves on to a new opponent so that we can finally put this feud to rest for good. At least this match didn’t close the show, what we feared Vince McMahon would push for.