NXT TakeOver: In Your House - Top 5 Matches 

Io Shirai wins the NXT Women's Championship
Io Shirai wins the NXT Women's Championship

#4 NXT Championship Match: Adam Cole vs. Velveteen Dream (Backlot Brawl)

NXT Championship Match
NXT Championship Match

This was the only cinematic match on the show and was the right decision to culminate the feud between NXT's two top Superstars.

Adam Cole arrived at the Backlot brawl in a Monster Truck while Velveteen Dream made his entrance in a Lamborghini. The way the match was shot was very effective as they had cars surrounding the arena with the headlights focused on the ring. This worked as William Regal noted the spotlight will be on both Cole and Dream for the match.

Cole tried to leave early but Dream smashed the car with his bat. Dream slammed Cole onto a windshield of a car.

Dream climbed up a ladder when Bobby Fish and Roderick Strong appeared to distract him and help The Undisputed Era leader. Dream, however, countered and sent Cole through the windshield of a car. This had the Panama City Playboy bleeding from his hand. At this time, Fish and Strong had filled the ring with stack of steel chairs.

Things went from bad to worse for Cole as Dexter Lumis slithered from underneath the ring and placed both Fish and Strong inside the trunk of a car. The Tortured Artist would then ride off with The Undisputed Era members.

This was well done and worked for this match after Lumis teased what's he was going to do when he showed off his masterpiece drawing on NXT leading into the show.

Cole went for a Panama Sunrise but Dream countered with the Dream Valley Driver onto the stack of chairs for a two count. A Purple Rainmaker also couldn't get the job done as Cole kicked out once again

Just as Dream was about to inflict more damage on to Cole, the NXT Champion delivered a low blow to Dream and then followed it up with the Panama Sunrise onto the chairs to secure the pinfall.

This wasn't my favourite cinematic match done by WWE but it worked well to end a feud and to move Cole into his next big program. Cole has been tremendous as NXT Champion and always delivers in big matches.