WWE Extreme Rules 2017 Results June 4th 2017, Full Show Match Updates and Video Highlights

Rich Swann and Sasha Banks vs Noam Dar and Alicia Fox

Alicia Fox and Sasha Banks started us off but Alicia immediately tagged Dar in. Swann immediately came in and hit Dar with a hurracanrana which forced Dar to tag Fox in.

Sasha locked in the Banks Statement but Dar kept Foxy’s foot on the rope which broke up the count. Foxy followed it up with a massive boot before hitting a beautiful tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Sasha tagged in Swann who came in firing on all cylinders hitting Dar with another hurracanrana followed by a somersault legdrop.

Dar and Swann traded punches after this as Sasha and Fox clashed in the ring and rolled to the outside. Sasha then got on the middle ropes and hit Dar with the double knees. Swann rolled him into the ring and hit him with the Phoenix Splash for the win.

Rich Swann and Sasha Banks def. Noam Dar and Alicia Fox


Elias Samson came out briefly for an impromptu concert as he sang for Baltimore, insulting the fans throughout the show.


An unexpected name just challenged Randy Orton RIGHT HERE.