WWE News: Kurt Angle explains how he played his part in the Jason Jordan reveal so well

Jason Jordan and Kurt Angle

Jason Jordan and Kurt Angle during the RAW segment

What's the story?

Kurt Angle, who on the last RAW episode revealed that Jason Jordan was his illegitimate son, was asked how he played the part of a father coming to terms with a huge secret during a Facebook Q+A session.

The big question was asked by Andy Read, and Angle stated that he began thinking of how he would react if he met his real son Kody without knowing of his existence for 20 years.

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In case you didn't know...

The major talking point of RAW last week was the “big secret” that could have ruined Angle’s legacy in the WWE. There were rumours all across the internet regarding who his mystery child could be, and it was later revealed that Jason Jordan of American Alpha was the son that Angle recently found out about.

The pair did celebrate in the ring, and Renee Young also conducted an interview where the duo stated how they would be dealing with this big news, which would affect the career of the former American Alpha member.

The heart of the matter

Angle was asked about how he got into the mindset of playing such a character, and the former Olympic Gold Medallist responded.

“I thought to myself what it would be like to see my son Kody for the first time ever, and didn't know it for 20 years. I thought if it were real, how would I feel?”

The RAW GM also responded to other talking points recently in the WWE such as the release of NXT superstar Austin Aries.

What's next?

The next RAW will provide a better understanding of just how the company decides to play with this storyline. Jordan is expected to get a decent push on the brand while Angle will have to field a number of questions about his past.

It will be interesting to see just how the father-son dynamic works on the brand too.

Author's take

The mentality used by Angle was spot on, and for the weeks leading up to the big reveal, the RAW GM did look concerned about just how this could affect his career and maybe even Jordan’s.

Angle has two children from his first marriage to Karen Smedley, Kody being one of them, and his acting chops have been tested a bit as the 48-year-old has been in a number of movies and television shows.

And it is no wonder the segment looks more realistic than some of the other storylines run in recent years.

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