AEW Dark Results - Big Shot fired at Triple H, Former TNA Star makes big debut - 3rd November 2020

Triple H, Cezar Bononi, and John Silver.
Triple H, Cezar Bononi, and John Silver.

AEW has been relentless with the Dark match cards, and this week's offering was no exception. The latest AEW Dark featured 15 matches, and as always, Taz and Excalibur were on the announcers table to kick off the show. The show also featured Taz taking a big shot at Triple H during one of the matches.

#1. Darby Allin vs. BSHP King on AEW Dark

Both men began the first match of the night with a collar and elbow tie-up. BHSP King used the power advantage in the early stages to send Allin to the outside. Darby ate a back elbow, but he managed to get some offense in with a dropkick. King was now on the outside, and Darby was in no mood to give BSHP the time to recuperate.

Allin executed a suicide dive. The action got back inside the ring, and King had assumed control of the proceedings. King worked on Allin's arm. Darby responded with a submission counter. King reacted with a Senton attempt from the top rope, but Allin rolled away before hitting the Springboard Coffin Drop for a near fall.

Allin, however, managed to pick up the win with a modified pinning combination.

Result: Darby Allin def. BSHP King on AEW Dark

Grade: C

#2. Brandi Rhodes & Red Velvet vs. Elayna Black & Leyla Hirsch on AEW Dark

It was good to see Leyla Hirsch get another match as the wrestler was impressive during last week's Dynamite. The women's tag team match of the night began with Rhodes and Black locking it up in the ring. Black tasted the early advantage with a knee strike and sunset flip.

Rhodes created some separation with a kick before tagging in Red Velvet. Elayna sent Velvet to her corner and tagged Leyla Hirsch into the match.

Hirsch connected with a shoulder block and hit the ropes only to get dropped by Velvet's leg lariat. Hirsch got control of the match once again after Velvet wasted some time on Black.

Leyla Hirsch looked great in the sequences that followed as she connected with knee strikes and a clothesline. She went for a Moonsault but missed, and Velvet made the hot tag to Brandi Rhodes.

Rhodes came in with the clothesline. She delivered the sling blade on Black, but the pinfall attempt got broken up by Hirsch. Brandi went on to layout Hirsch with a spear. Black tried to sneak one in by rolling up Brandi with the Schoolgirl pin.

Brandi kicked out and hit the Shot of Brandi for the three-count.

Result: Brandi Rhodes & Red Velvet def. Elayna Black & Leyla Hirsch on AEW Dark

Grade: B

#3. The Jurassic Express vs. Danny Limelight & KC Navarro on AEW Dark

Navarro looked solid during the initial exchanges with Jungle Boy as both men jockeyed for position by attempting several holds. Jungle Boy got bragging rights at the end of the exchange, and he tagged in Luchasaurus. Limelight got into the match on the other end. Luchasaurus manhandled Limelight as the strength advantage was all there to be seen.

Jungle Boy got tagged in, and so did Navarro. Navarro and Limelight took control of the match after Danny kicked Jungle Boy in the face. They worked on Jungle Boy for a few seconds before the hot tag was made to Luchasaurus.

AEW's in-house Dinosaur took out Limelight and Navarro. Limelight tagged himself in, but he got hit with a knee, followed by the Jurassic Express' finisher. Jungle Boy got the pinfall.

Result: The Jurassic Express def. Danny Limelight & KC Navarro on AEW Dark

Grade: B

#4. Frankie Kazarian vs. Ryzin on AEW Dark

The AEW Dark match kicked off with both men locking up. They exchanged wrist locks before Frankie Kazarian pulled out a series of strikes from his arsenal to rock Ryzin.

Ryzin managed to send Kazarian towards the turnbuckle.

This was when Taz took a big shot at Triple H by saying that Ryzin's first name should be 'Terra,' but that would never get over.

Here's what Taz had precisely said:

"Ryzin's first name should be Terra, but that would never get over. That's the s***s." In case you didn't know, Triple H went by the ring name 'Terra Ryzing' or Terra Risin' when he started his pro wrestling career.

Back to the match, Ryzin failed with a suplex attempt, and Kazarian capitalized by delivering the Fisherman's Suplex for a two-count. A roll-up from Kazarian was followed by Ryzin's Manhattan Drop and big boot. Kazarian evaded a moonsault and hit the reverse DDT for the win.

Result: Frankie Kazarian def. Ryzin AEW Dark

Grade: B

Kazarian tried to cut a post-match promo but was attacked by TH2. Christopher Daniels hit the ring to save as he took out Jack Evans with the Angel's Wings.

#5. Ricky Starks vs. Dave Sutra on AEW Dark

Dave Sutra enjoyed a brief spell of momentum as he had Ricky Starks in the corner, and he even stunned him with a big splash. 'Absolute,' however, waited for his moment, and he sent Sutra to the outside just when the latter was attempting to go up top.

It was the Ricky Starks show from there onwards. He weathered his opponent down before executing the Spear, followed by the Roshambo for the pinfall on AEW Dark.

Result: Ricky Starks def. Dave Sutra on AEW Dark

Grade: C

#6. Griff Garrison & Brian Pillman Jr. vs. Sean Maluta & Alex Chamberlain on AEW Dark

A stalemate between Garrison and Chamberlain started the match. Alex got the better of the early exchanges as he took Griff down with a shoulder tackle.

Garrison moved out of a clothesline attempt and connected with a roundhouse kick. Chamberlian tagged Sean Maluta into the match while Pillman got tagged on the other end.

Pillman was on song as he delivered the diving double stomp following by the snap mare. Garrison was now back in the match, and he connected with a leg drop.

Chamberlain got back in, and he leveled Pillman with a clothesline, which earned him a two-count. Maluta got the tag, and he delivered a side suplex followed by a Samoan Drop. Pillman answered with a power slam and made the tag to Garrison.

Griff came in and connected with a few clotheslines before planting Chamberlain's face into the mat. Garrison and Pillman hit the Springboard clothesline move for the win.

Result: Griff Garrison & Brian Pillman Jr. def. Sean Maluta & Alex Chamberlain on AEW Dark

Grade: B

Lance Archer hit the ring and attacked all the competitors of the match. Jake 'The Snake' Roberts sent out a warning to everyone who crossed his client's path. An enraged Archer vowed to take care of Eddie Kingston's family as he ended the promo.

#7. Anthony Bowens & Max Caster (The Acclaimed) vs. Aaron Solow & Angel Fashion on AEW Dark

The newly-signed AEW tag team, Bowens and Caster, looked to kick off their full-time AEW stint with a big win.

Bowens started things up with Fashion. Bowens connected with a few kicks before sending Fashion into the corner. Caster came in and continued to the kicking offense on Fashion. Angel responded with a Hurricanrana followed by a kick and leg lariat.

Bowens got in and connected with a forearm smash. Solow wanted to get into the match, but The Acclaimed did a fine job of isolating Fashion.

Caster and Bowens dominated the proceedings until Caster missed a Mic Drop, which allowed Fashion to make the tag to Solow. Aaron couldn't do much apart from a top rope clothesline as Fashion was back in the match. Caster caught Fashion with a big boot, and The Acclaimed ended the match with the Assisted Cutter.

Result: Anthony Bowens & Max Caster (The Acclaimed) def. Aaron Solow & Angel Fashion on AEW Dark

Grade: C

#8. '5' of The Dark Order vs. VSK on AEW Dark

5 took control of the match with the headlock takedown on VSK, who reacted with an arm drag. 5 delivered a dropkick that sent VSK into the corner.

The back-and-forth affair continued as 5 answered with a series of knee strikes followed by a kick to VSK's back. 5 kept up the pressure with an uppercut, VSK got back with a German Suplex and a big boot.

5 got the match on his side with a hard strike, followed by a slam and the Wing Snapper for the win.

Result: '5' of The Dark Order def. VSK on AEW Dark

Grade: C

A backstage segment featuring Peter Avalon teased an impending gimmick change being in the works for the wrestler.

#9. Jersey Muscle vs. The Butcher & The Blade on AEW Dark

Butcher and The Blade, as expected, ambushed Jersey Muscle before the match got underway. When the bell did finally ring, Blade and Tony kicked off the action.

Blade and Butcher were at their dominant best as they controlled the match from bell to bell. They hit the Full Death for the win. This was a one-sided squash match.

Result: The Butcher & The Blade def. Jersey Muscle on AEW Dark

Grade: D

Natural Nightmares hit the ring after the match, and a brawl ensued. AEW officials broke up QT Marshall and Blade as we cut to the next match of the evening.

#10. Will Hobbs vs. D3 on AEW Dark

A singles squash followed a tag team squash match on AEW Dark as Will Hobbs made quick work of D3. While D3 did attempt to faze Hobbs, it didn't work for him as he got laid out with a Rock Bottom followed by the Oklahoma Stampede.

Result: Will Hobbs def. D3 on AEW Dark

Grade: D

There was a post-match angle that saw Will Hobbs get attacked by Ricky Starks and Brian Cage. Darby Allin showed up to make the save.

#11. Nick Comoroto & Baron Black vs. Evil Uno & Stu Grayson of The Dark Order on AEW Dark

Grayson and Comoroto started the match with a hard-hitting exchange. Comoroto used his power to catch Grayson in mid-air during a cross body attempt before slamming him into the mat.

Grayson made the tag to Evil Uno, and both men got taken out by Comoroto. A strong showing thus far for the former NXT Superstar.

Black got the tag, and he used the Abdominal Stretch, followed by the Dragon Screw. Grayson escaped a submission move and tagged Uno into the match. The Dark Order were now in control as they worked on Black. They worked on Black and wore him down with a backbreaker, a delayed senton.

Comoroto finally got the tag, and he looked great during the initial few seconds. However, Grayson rocked Comoroto with the Night Fall, followed by Fatality for the three-count.

Result: Evil Uno & Stu Grayson of The Dark Order def. Nick Comoroto & Baron Black on AEW Dark

Grade: C

#12. Shawn Dean, Fuego Del Sol & Cezar Bononi vs. John Silver, Colt Cabana & 10 of The Dark Order on AEW Dark

The Dark Order was back in action as Silver and Bononi kicked things off in the 12th match of AEW Dark.

Silver was hilarious as always as he felt nobody could pick him up due to how jacked he was. The towering Bononi unleashed a series of strikes on Silver.

Del Sol came in due to a blind tag, and he found himself laid out on the mat with a leveling strike. Cabana got in, and the Dark Order worked on Del Sol.

Shawn Dean got a taste of the action as he mixed it up with 10. Dean connected with a knee strike, but 10 responded with a pump kick. Silver was back, and he delivered a series of kicks to Dean's chest. Cabana was tagged in, who connected with a few elbow strikes. Shawn Dean reacted with the Enziguri. Bononi was now the legal man for his team, and he sent 10 and Silver flying off the apron.

10 somehow got the blind tag and delivered a spear, followed by a spine buster on Del Sol. Silver connected with the Airplane Slam on Fuego for the three-count.

Result: John Silver, Colt Cabana & 10 of The Dark Order def. Shawn Dean, Fuego Del Sol & Cezar Bononi on AEW Dark

Grade: B

#13. KiLynn King vs. Lei'D Tapa on AEW Dark

Former TNA/ IMPACT Wrestling Knockout Lei'D Tapa made her AEW debut in a match against KiLynn King.

The match got underway, and King trapped Tapa in a side headlock. Tapa used her strength to get the better of King as she dropped her opponent with a shoulder tackle. King replied with a few kicks, but Tapa knocked her down yet again.

King kept fighting on with a lariat. Tapa stopped another lariat attempt and delivered a Samoan Drop, which got her a near fall. King connected with a crossbody. Tapa had King in the Fireman's carry position, but KiLynn got out and delivered a clothesline.

King proceeded to climb the top turnbuckle before connecting with the Frog Splash on Tapa for the win. The former TNA Star's big AEW debut unfortunately ended with a loss.

Result: KiLynn King def. Lei'D Tapa on AEW Dark

Grade: C

#14. Co-Main Event: Private Party vs. Chaos Project on AEW Dark

The match got underway as Serpentico and Kassidy looked to gain control of the proceedings. They had a back-and-forth exchange of strikes and kicks before Luther got the tag.

Both teams made frequent tags before Private Party managed to isolate Serpentico.

Quen delivered an Enziguri-Manhattan Drop combination followed by the stereo dropkicks by both men. Serpentico made the tag to Luther, who took Kassidy out with a big boot and clothesline, followed by a German Suplex and the backbreaker.

Serpentico was back in, and he delivered the backdrop on Kassidy.

Luther came in and connected with the snap suplex, followed by another quick tag to Serpentico. Chaos Project continued its dominance until Kassidy created some much-needed separation and made the hot tag to Quen.

Quen was on fire as he took both Luther and Serpentico out. He connected with a Pele Kick on Luther, followed by a moonsault on Serpentico. Private Party hit the Gin and Juice for the victory.

Result: Private Party def. Chaos Project on AEW Dark

Grade: B

#15. Main Event: Lee Johnson vs. Sammy Guevara on AEW Dark

Sammy Guevara was back on AEW Dark against Lee Johnson, who was recently added to the Nightmare Family.

Guevara pulled out the usual taunts in the early goings of the match. Both men enjoyed brief spells of offense, with Guevara getting the better of Johnson with a delayed vertical suplex.

Guevara piled on the pressure with a knee strike, but he got stunned with Johnson's clothesline. They engaged in a battle of forearm strikes and chops before Johnson executed the neck breaker.

Johnson followed it up with a springboard missile dropkick. Guevara was in all kinds of trouble as he rolled out of the ring. Lee followed him with a top rope move. Guevara ate an Enziguri back in the ring but responded with a solid knee strike. Sammy connected with the GTH. The Spanish God sent a message to Matt Hardy by ending the match with the Twist of Fate.

Result: Sammy Guevara def. Lee Johnson on AEW Dark

Grade: B


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