AEW Dynamite Results: Former WWE star debuts, New title belt unveiled, Huge return, Major heel turn

AEW Dynamite's second anniversary show didn't disappoint
AEW Dynamite's second anniversary show didn't disappoint

The second anniversary show of AEW Dynamite was stacked. We got a pretty incredible episode, one of the best Dynamites this year, featuring a huge Casino Ladder match as well as The Elite taking on Bryan Danielson and co.

We also got a major women's division match with Hikaru Shida looking for her 50th win against Serena Deeb.

Read on for full AEW Dynamite results.

Bryan Danielson, Christian Cage, and Jurassic Express vs. The Elite kicked off AEW Dynamite

We got right to the action with Jungle Boy and Nick Jackson. Things started quickly, and Jungle Boy took Nick down with a dropkick and forced him to tag out. Adam Cole came in as the legal man.

Omega was in soon enough, and we got a "Kenny no b***s" chant from the fans in attendance. Nick Jackson was on the top rope, but Jungle Boy kicked it, causing him to lose his footing.

Bryan Danielson then tagged in to a huge ovation from the fans in attendance. Danielson was all over Matt Jackson before tagging Luchasaurus in. Things broke down as The Young Bucks hit Christian Cage with an IndyTaker on the floor, causing Doc Sampson to check on him.

The Elite were all over Jungle Boy. We then saw Bryan Danielson and AEW World Champion Kenny Omega in the ring. Danielson got the better of their exchange.

Bryan Danielson hit Omega with a Tiger Suplex before locking in the Cattle Mutilation on the AEW World Champion. Nick Jackson broke up the count with a Swanton from the top rope.

Luchasaurus then came in and manhandled The Elite. Adam Cole went for a Panama Sunrise but was caught and then chokeslammed into Kenny Omega. He quickly followed it with a tailwhip before he was taken out.

Jungle Boy then eliminated Nick Jackson with a hurricanrana to the outside. Bryan Danielson then hit a dive of his own into the crowd, followed by one from Kenny Omega.

Adam Cole was going to follow them but decided to pose for the crowd instead, and that's where Luchasaurus cut him off. The Elite ended up outnumbering Luchasaurus and taking him out.

They then turned their attention to Jungle Boy, who was hit with a Panama Sunrise by Adam Cole. Bryan Danielson broke up the count but was taken out by a triple superkick. Jungle Boy was then hit with a four-way BTE Trigger and then pinned by Adam Cole for the win.

Result: The Elite def. Bryan Danielson, Christian Cage, and Jurassic Express

Grade: B+

CM Punk challenges Daniel Garcia

CM Punk addressed the AEW fans in Philadelphia, where he had lived for many years. He thanked them for being behind him for so many years, recapping how he spent a lot of time in the city early on in his career.

CM Punk then called out Daniel Garcia, challenging him to a match on Rampage.

Cody Rhodes and Arn Anderson video package

We got a video package recapping some of what went down with Cody Rhodes and Arn Anderson last week. We also got a brief clip of the wrestling legend outside Cody Rhodes' house.

Sammy Guevara (C) vs Bobby Fish (AEW TNT Championship Match)

Former WWE NXT star Bobby Fish made his debut for Tony Khan's promotion tonight, challenging Sammy Guevara for the TNT Championship. We saw both men repeatedly take strikes early on as the more experienced Fish briefly took control of the new champion briefly. Fish went for a Vertical Suplex but Guevara reversed it and powered him back onto the apron.

Sammy Guevara (C) vs Bobby Fish (AEW TNT Championship match continued...)

Bobby Fish quickly hit back briefly, taking the AEW TNT Champion down. Guevara retaliated with a back elbow before both men brawled on the apron. Fish sent Guevara crashing down with a kick to the back of the leg.

Back in the ring, Guevara hit back with strikes of his own before Fish caught him with a backdrop. Guevara then hit a standing Spanish Fly before heading to the top rope but Fish kicked his legs from under him.

The former NXT star then joined Sammy on the top rope and hit a massive avalanche Falcon Arrow for a nearfall. Fish quickly followed it up with an Exploder Suplex into the corner but it still wasn't enough to put the champion away.

Guevara then dodged a boot from Bobby Fish and quickly hit him with the GTH and pinned him.

Result: Sammy Guevara def. Bobby Fish

Grade: B

We saw Dan Lambert and members of American Top Team come down to the ring after the match. Scorpio Sky attacked Guevara from behind before Junior dos Santos was all over the TNT Champion with right hands. Fuego del Sol came down to try and make the save but was taken out almost immediately.

Chris Jericho's music then hit and he came down to the ring alongside Jake Hager. Jericho took down Junior dos Santos as he and Hager cleared the ring.

Dan Lambert then made a challenge for next week's episode of AEW Dynamite - three on three - The Men of the Year and Junior dos Santos vs The Inner Circle. Lambert also announced that Jorge Masvidal will be there next week.

Tony Schiavone unveils the AEW TBS Championship

We had Tony Schiavone in the ring after the break. Tony thanked the fans for helping AEW change the wrestling industry. Tony then revealed that with the company moving to TBS early next year, a new title was being introduced, the TBS Championship, which was unveiled by Aubrey Edwards.

Tony Schiavone then announced that the first champion would be crowned via a tournament. AEW Dynamite will be moving to TBS in early 2021.

Darby Allin addresses MJF's comments last week

Last week on AEW Dynamite, we saw MJF try his best to get under Darby Allin's skin, taking shots at his uncle who passed away in a car accident when Darby was a child. MJF failed to get a reaction out of Darby Allin and walked away.

We got a backstage sitdown interview with Jim Ross and Darby Allin. Darby commented on MJF's words from last week on Dynamite, saying that the incident with his uncle had shaped who he was today. He then added that he had met people like MJF before and wouldn't let him get under his skin.

Darby Allin vs Nick Comoroto on AEW Dynamite

Darby Allin made his way down to the ring on AEW Dynamite flanked by 'The Icon' Sting. Darby almost immediately leapt off the top turnbuckle and took out Nick Comoroto at ringside.

When we got in the ring, we got a look at Comoroto's incredible power as he took out Darby Allin with a powerslam. Comoroto then hammered Allin in the corner with right hands before driving his knee into the face of the former TNT Champion.

The fans were behind Darby as he struggled to make his way back to his feet. Comoroto tossed Allin into the corner. Comoroto looked in complete control and he charged at Darby Allin. However, he crashed into the turnbuckle.

Darby Allin quickly utilized the opening, heading to the top rope. He then hit his patented Coffin Drop and pinned Nick Comoroto.

Result: Darby Allin def. Nick Comoroto

Grade: B

Sting was celebrating in the ring with Darby Allin when QT Marshall sneaked up from behind and hit him with a Diamond Cutter. Sting bounced back up immediately and took out QT with a Scorpion Death Drop.

Malakai Black sends a message to Dante Martin on AEW Dynamite

Dante Martin was in the ring with Tony Schiavone on AEW Dynamite. The young star took the mic and said he had shown what he could do inside the ring in recent months and put out a challenge to anyone in the roster. The lights ominously went out and we saw Malakai Black appear behind Dante Martin. Black hit Dante Martin with the mist and then took him out with his patented spinning heel kick.

Ricky Starks called out Brian Cage

Ricky Starks was in the ring after the match. He called out former FTW Champion Brian Cage, saying that he wanted to challenge him to a Philly Street Fight before saying that Cage wouldn't turn up to work.

The Machine's music then hit and he charged down to the ring. He was all over Ricky Starks and took him down quickly. We then saw Hook and Powerhouse Hobbs run down to the ring and pull Starks out of the ring.

Thunder Rosa, Skye Blue, Ruby Soho and Jade Cargill gave their response for the introduction of the TBS Title and all of them wanted to become the inaugural Champion.

Hikaru Shida vs. Serena Deeb on AEW Dynamite

Hikaru Shida was looking to become the first woman to win 50 matches in AEW as she faced Serena Deeb. Both women went toe to toe early in the match before Shida took control and headed to ringside. Shida set up a chair, but Deeb tossed it under the ring.

Back inside the squared circle, Deeb took control of the match, hitting Shida with a series of uppercuts before locking in an abdominal stretch in the middle of the ring.

She transitioned into a cravat lock and then into a snapmare. Shida tried to escape the hold, but Deeb had it locked on. She finally broke out and had a front face lock locked in as she spun Serena around. The former AEW Women's Champion then hit a missile dropkick for a two-count.

Deeb quickly fought back with an Octopus Hold before going for the Detox. Shida blocked it, but Deeb rolled her up for a nearfall. Shida then hit a knee strike on Deeb, who rolled out of the ring. Shida got a little careless as she rolled Deeb back in.

As Shida was about to get back in the ring, Deeb caught her with a Dragon Screw and followed it up with the Detox. Shida managed to kick out, but Deeb locked in the Serenity Lock and forced Shida to tap out.

Result: Serena Deeb def. Hikaru Shida

Grade: A

Serena Deeb headed out to the ring after the match and grabbed the plaque prepared for Shida's 50th win, which she didn't get tonight. We then saw Deeb potentially turn heel as she struck Shida across the head with it.

Darby Allin attacked in the parking lot

Darby Allin was backstage when he was informed that MJF had challenged him to match next week on AEW Dynamite. Allin said he accepted as a limo pulled up. Allin then got assaulted by members of The Pinnacle before MJF himself came out of the limo to confront him.

Casino Ladder Match (AEW Dynamite main-event)

Orange Cassidy and PAC started the AEW Dynamite main event. Early on, we saw Orange Cassidy was pretty relaxed and it clearly got under PAC's skin. He hit Cassidy with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker before tossing him out of the ring.

PAC quickly brought a ladder into the ring and Orange Cassidy pushed it out before going for a DDT. PAC blocked it and hit suplex as Andrade El Idolo came in as the next participant.

Andrade El Idolo in at #3

Andrade and PAC already have a score to settle with the former beating the latter with Chavo Guerrero's help a few weeks ago. PAC hit Andrade with a baseball slide dropkick and set up a ladder in the middle of the ring.

PAC started climbing the ladder and Andrade joined him on the ladder after a springboard. Andrade then hit a a sunset flip powerbomb taking PAC out.

Orange Cassidy then joined Andrade in the middle of the ring, hitting his patented lazy kicks. Andrade chopped Cassidy across the chest before OC hit back with a Tornado DDT.

Matt Hardy in at #4

Matt Hardy came in next and Orange Cassidy went to hit him with an Orange Punch. Hardy blocked it and hit the Side Effect.

Casino Ladder Match (AEW Dynamite main-event continued....)

We saw a lot of action during the break on AEW Dynamite. With Andrade and Matt Hardy out at ringside, PAC took them out with a moonsault.

Lance Archer in at #5

Lance Archer was in next and he had a member of the ring crew on his shoulder who he tossed him at Andrade. He then chokeslammed Orange Cassidy onto the apron. Back in the ring, Archer went for a Blackout on PAC who blocked it. But he was then taken down with a shoulder tackle by The Murderhawk Monster. Archer then took out Matt Hardy with the Hellacoaster.

Archer then set up a ladder in the ring, bridging it with a second one set against the middle rope. He then placed Orange Cassidy on the second ladder and hit him with a splash.

Jon Moxley in at #6

Former AEW World Champion Jon Moxley was in next and he went right for Archer, tossing a chair at his face. Mox then tossed Archer into the barricade before Lance returned fire, tossing a chair back at Moxley's face. Archer was back in the ring with the ladder in hand but Orange Cassidy hit him with an Orange Punch. Moxley came in and took out OC before hitting Archer with a dropkick.

Hangman Page came in as The Joker

Hangman Page made his return to AEW as The Joker, getting a huge ovation from the fans in attendance. Page and Moxley exchanged strikes in the middle of the ring before Hangman clotheslined him out of the ring. Archer then charged at Hangman who used to a low bridge. Orange Cassidy then leapt off the top rope and Page caught him in midair, hitting a Fallaway Slam into one of the ladders. PAC then attacked Hangman from behind, taking him out.

PAC had a table set up in the middle of the ring and headed to the top rope. Andrade joined him there but PAC knocked him off and into a ladder set up at ringside. Page then hit the former WWE star with a Deadeye through the table.

Moxley then came from behind and hit Page with a Paradigm Shift. Mox then started to climb the ladder but Orange Cassidy joined him there. Matt Hardy used the chance to push off the ladder with both men still on it. Matt Hardy had Orange Cassidy on a table at ringside and climbed a ladder, then hitting a legdrop through the table.

Lance Archer then set up the ladder in the middle of the ring before Hangman Page took him out with a Buckshot Lariat. Page and Moxley both climbed the ladder.

Moxley was in touching distance of the chip when Page recovered and threw right hands of his own, taking Moxley down. Page grabbed the chip and earned his world title shot.

Result: Hangman Page wins and earns an AEW World Championship shot

Grade: A+

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