Celebrating The Game: 5 Greatest Championship Matches of Triple H

Triple H has had several championship matches throughout his illustrious career
Triple H has had several championship matches throughout his illustrious career

Triple H's career has long been know for being an integral part of the WWE. Throughout his career, Triple H has been involved in several feuds. His longstanding feuds with the likes of Stone Cold Steve Austin, Mankind, and The Rock have been synonymous with his career. However, it wasn't simply his rivalries that defined him but his championship matches as well.

A 14-time World Champion, Triple H has battled in some of the bloodiest and brutal affairs in his twenty-plus year career. Whether he won or lost didn't matter. In more recent years, Triple H has helped to elevate talent such as Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins but prior to that, he was on a quest to an undisputed champion.

#5 Kurt Angle vs. The Rock vs Triple H (SummerSlam 2000)

This was an incredible bout and one of The Game's
This was an incredible bout and one of The Game's finest

At Summerslam 2000, this Triple Threat match was outstanding. Leading into the event both Triple H and Kurt Angle had pinned Chris Jericho earning both earning a spot to challenge for the WWE Championship. Both Triple H and Kurt Angle were forced into a tag match leading into this matchup forcing them to co-exist.

However, their animosity with one another led an unintentionally struck Triple H leading to a loss in their tag match. When their championship match ultimately took place it was quite the battle.

An attack before the match began on The Rock set the tone. Triple H and Kurt Angle battled on their way to the ring and around the outside area. Triple H even hit a pedigree on Angle on the announce table as well.

The Rock returned to the match continuing his involvement. The match also saw interference fro, Stephanie McMahon as well. Despite not walking away as the winner of the match, as The Rock retained, it was without question one of the most entertaining championship matches of Triple H's career.

#4 Triple H vs Shawn Michaels (Armageddon 2002)


At Armageddon 2002, Triple H and Shawn Michaels continued their rivalry with one another. In what was a series of matches against one another this one truly raised the stakes. Their three stages of hell match up was unquestionably a fierce and gruesome battle between the two former friends. With Shawn Michaels as the champion, he was defending the title against the former champion Triple H.

The first fall between them was a Street Fight. With the stipulations in place it raied the stakes and the brutality between them. Triple H won the first fall after hitting Michaels with the pedigree. Their second fall was a cage match which Michaels won to even the falls at one apiece.

In their final fall, it would all come down to a ladder match. The back and forth affair between them would end with one winner. It would see Triple H retrieve the championship. The poetic ending saw an end to their feud leaving Triple H on top.

#3 Triple H vs The Rock (SummerSlam 1998)

This is considered to be one of the best IC title matches of all time
This is considered to be one of the best IC title matches of all time

At the Summerslam 1998, The Rock and Triple H began what would be the beginning of both men being elevated in status within the company. With the Intercontinental Championship title hanging in balance, this titanic battle would be a ladder match. This rivalry has also surrounded the feud between Degeneration X and The Nation of Domination. The match initially came about when Triple H challenged The Rock to a match after being attacked backstage with a ladder. When their championship match eventually came about both men had the support of their factions behind them.

Their battle with one another saw blocked Rock Bottom and Pedigree attempts on the part of both men. It continued on with both men using the ladder against one another. As the match reached its fevered pitch, Mark Henry temporarily impaired Triple H. Fans were led to believe that The Rock would retain the title. However, Chyna prevented The Rock from securing the title by hitting him with a low blow leaving it open for Triple H to capture the title and becoming the Intercontinental Champion.

#2 Randy Orton vs. John Cena vs Triple H (WrestleMania XXIV)

Triple H was in tough against Cena and Orton for the WWE Championship at WrestleMania XXIV
Triple H was in tough against Cena and Orton for the WWE Championship at WrestleMania XXIV

With the WWE championship as the ultimate prize Triple H was facing longtime rivals, Randy Orton and John Cena. The road to WrestleMania begins with the Royal Rumble. As recognized in the past, Triple H and Randy Orton never truly settled things with one another. This match simply reflected that. Orton's defense of the title a couple of months prior suggested he would face John Cena, the winner of the Rumble matchup. However, Cena's win at No Way Out by disqualification didn't end the Cenation Leader's championship pursuit.

If anything, he was added to a match at WrestleMania along with Triple H. Triple H won the Elimination Chamber matchup leading into the match at WrestleMania XXIV. The match really allowed each competitor to make an impact throughout the contest. Their match drew to a conclusion when an Attitude Adjustment was reversed by The Game into a Pedigree. An unsuspecting Triple H was hit with a punt by Randy Orton. The Viper pinned The Game to retain the title.

#1 Chris Jericho (WrestleMania X8)

Triple H was out for more than just the title against champion Chris Jericho
Triple H was out for more than just the title against champion Chris Jericho

A feud that was as much about redemption as it was competition was quite a compelling one leading up to this match. With Chris Jericho as the Undisputed WWF Champion, Triple H would earn an opportunity to challenge for the title after winning the Royal Rumble. It was also around this time when growing tension between Triple H and Stephanie McMahon was emerging on-screen.

Unlike today, there was a time when Triple H was a face with Stephanie in the role of a heel. The things she did and choices she made frustrated Triple H and it began to show.

Jericho came to Stephanie's defense after an attack by Triple H because of the lies she continued to tell him. Stephanie attempted to thwart The Game's quest to capture the title.

His match with Jericho truly put both men in defined roles. When their WrestleMania match came about, outside interference, referee's involvement, and a title change all led to the makings of one of the greatest championship matches in Triple H's career.


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