WWE RAW Results June 29th, 2020: Winners, Grades, Video Highlights for latest Monday Night RAW

Rollins took out his frustrations on a RAW Superstar
Rollins took out his frustrations on a RAW Superstar

WWE RAW opened with Samoa Joe in the ring trying to conduct the double contract signing but Asuka, Bayley, and Sasha Banks broke out into a brawl. Dolph Ziggler was out and called Drew McIntyre out into the middle of all that.

Dolph cut a promo about having made Drew's career and said that he will destroy him before signing the match contract. Drew fired back at Dolph saying that Dolph was 'always the bridesmaid and never the bride' before signing the contract.

Drew told Dolph that he could pick the stipulation for their match before Asuka got sick of waiting and signed her contract. Banks did the same, saying that she will beat Asuka and become two-belts-Banks. Another high broke out and the two champs managed to throw Dolph and Sasha outside.

Big Show has a message for Orton
Big Show has a message for Orton

Backstage on RAW, Garza was talking to the referee of their upcoming match before he and Andrade were interrupted by Big Show who said that he was taking the next segment and their match can wait.

Big Show was out on RAW and called out Randy Orton but instead, Andrade, Garza & Vega came out. Big Show was mad as Garza told him that Randy laughed at the fact that Show called himself a legend.

Andrade and Garza surrounded Big Show and Vega was trash-talking when Ric Flair came out. Flair warned Show of messing with Randy and told him to go back to making TV shows.

Andrade and Garza were about to attack Show when The Viking Raiders, who were set to face the duo, came out and attacked them.

Andrade & Angel Garza vs. The Viking Raiders

We returned to RAW to see that a match was underway between the Viking Raiders and Andrade & Garza. Erik and Ivar were dominating early and used each other as a weapon before the Garza and Andrade hit tandem kicks to take down Erik for a near fall. Andrade and Garza started fighting over a tag and Andrade left the match altogether.

Andrade & Angel Garza vs. The Viking Raiders (contd...)

Garza was shocked by what happened and Vega tried to convince Andrade to get back to the match as we headed for another break on RAW. We returned to see Andrade back in the ring and Erik hit a knee to the face. Ivar was in and took down both Andrade and Garza but Garza hit a dropkick before tags were made.

The Viking Raiders missed their finisher and Andrade distracted the ref as Garza hit a cheap shot outside the ring. Back in, Garza hit the Wing Clipper on Erik for the win as Andrade kept Ivar from breaking the pin.

Result: Andrade & Angel Garza def. The Viking Raiders

Match rating: B+

The IIconics walked up to Ruby Riott backstage on RAW and were making fun of her but Ruby fired back about their loss last week before challenging one of them to a match.

Backstage on RAW, Ric Flair called Andrade and Garza aside to talk to them about something. He must be planning something on behalf of Orton.

Akira Tozawa (c) vs. R-Truth - 24/7 Title match

Truth sent Tozawa outside early on but when he returned, the former champ just rolled him up and got the three-count seconds after starting the match on RAW and became the new 24/7 Champion.

Result: R-Truth def. Akira Tozawa to become the new 24/7 champion

After the match, the Ninjas came in and tried to pin Truth twice but he rushed away and ran away on RAW.

Match rating: C

Backstage on RAW, Bobby Lashley and MVP were about to take revenge on Apollo Crews while Rollins and Murphy were standing and looking at a Rey Mysterio mask.

Seth Rollins was out to "beg for forgiveness" but then hit us with "not for what I have done, but for what you are forcing me to do". He said he was being forced to tear Mysterio apart until there was nothing left 'but a memory'.

Rey and Dominick came on the Titantron on RAW before Mysterio said he would be forced to do the unthinkable to Rollins. Rollins told them to be careful of what they wished for, saying that he would end Dom's career before it even began.

Aleister Black & Humberto Carrillo came out and ran towards the ring as we headed for a break on RAW. Rollins called Rey a coward for sending the two of them but Black and Humberto fired back at him.

Seth Rollins & Murphy vs. Humberto Carrillo & Aleister Black

A match began as the promo heated up and Murphy and Black were up first. Black took down Murphy and Murphy took him to the corner. Carrillo was tagged in and hit a huge crossbody before Rollins was tagged in only to be sent over the ropes.

Rollins pulled Murphy out of the way of a 619 before Carrillo took out both men on the outside with a huge dive. We returned to RAW to see Black miss the Black Mass but then got it in on the second try. Carrillo hit the 619 on Murphy but Rollins broke the pin.

Rollins was tagged in and they hit the combined finisher on Carrillo but he kicked out. Black was fighting Murphy outside when Rollins hit the Stomp on Carrillo and got the win on RAW.

Result: Seth Rollins & Murphy def. Humberto Carrillo & Aleister Black

Match rating: A

Rollins and Murphy took out Black after the match and when Humberto fought back, Murphy hit him with the steel steps. Rollins put Rey's mask onto Carrillo and then went for the eye but Black saved him at the last second. Rollins stomped Carrillo into the steep steps before bowing out on RAW.

Drew McIntyre and Asuka were teaming up to face Dolph and Banks later on RAW.

We got a recap of Friday's tribute to the Undertaker from SmackDown, after which Lana was trying to convince Ruby Riott that Natalya should be the leader of the women's locker room.

Peyton Royce vs. Ruby Riott

Kay ran an early distraction, allowing Royce to hit a big kick and get the upper hand. Royce took Ruby to the corner and was working on her shoulder before using the ropes to inflict damage.

Royce hit a back suplex and got a near fall before Kay ran another distraction, making Riott miss the finisher. Royce hit the spinning brainbuster and got the win on RAW.

Result: Peyton Royce def. Ruby Riott

Match rating: B

Backstage on RAW, Big Show said that he was ready for any dirty tricks Ric Flair might pull in his match with Andrade and Garza tonight.

Big Show vs. Andrade & Angel Garza

Both Andrade and Garza were hesitant to get in the ring with Show but Garza started it off only to be hit with big chops. Andrade came in and got the same treatment, failing to get any offense in.

Garza managed to take Show down by taking out his knees for a second but Show got up real quick. Andrade was tagged in before he and Garza started bickering again and this time Garza left and put Andrade all alone against the former WWE Champion.

Big Show hit the chokeslam and got the quick win before hitting Andrade with the KO Punch for good measure.

Result: Big Show def. Andrade & Angel Garza

Match rating: B

Ricochet, Cedric and Apollo were backstage on RAW and R-Truth ran into them for a hilarious exchange.

Bobby Lashley was out with MVP and gave a trash-talking promo in the RAW ring before being interrupted by Apollo.

Apollo got on the mic and said that MVP only cared about himself before the RAW match began.

Apollo Crews vs. MVP

Apollo hit a huge dropkick and tossed MVP aside. We returned to RAW to see MVP capitalize after a distraction from Bobby Lashley that caused Crews to drop from the ropes.

MVP hit a big boot in the corner and then hit a fisherman's suplex for the three-count. After the match, Apollo attacked MVP but Lashley locked in the Full Nelson before Ricochet and Cedric Alexander had to come in to save him.

Result: MVP def. Apollo Crews

Match rating: B

Ricochet vs. Bobby Lashley

We returned to see Ricochet and Bobby Lashley were competing in an impromptu match on RAW. Ricochet was tossed aside by Lashley and took a spear in the corner. The match went outside and Lashley sent Ricochet into the barricades before hitting a big move in the ring for a near fall. Ricochet was being tossed around at ringside and then into the ring post.

Ricochet vs. Bobby Lashley (contd...)

Ricochet fought off the full Nelson on RAW and sent Lashley over the ropes but then got caught before he sent Bobby into the ring post.

Ricochet hit a standing moonsault before Alexander took out MVP at ringside. Lashley was bleeding from his ear as he locked in the full Nelson and got the win.

Result: Bobby Lashley def. Ricochet

After the match, Cedric got the full Nelson as well and was tossed aside.

Match rating: B+

Backstage on RAW, Dolph and Sasha weren't really getting along.

Drew McIntyre & Asuka vs. Dolph Ziggler & Sasha Banks

Drew picked up Ziggler and dropped him right away before Ziggler hit an early Famouser. Dolph made the tag and Asuka came in and it broke into a free for all as Dolph tried to save Banks from the Asuka lock.

We returned to RAW to see Dolph get wiped out before the women were in again and Asuka got a near fall. Bayley distracted Asuka and Banks almost got the pin after a move on the apron. Tags were made and Drew was back at it but Sasha took the tag by force.

Banks was yelling at Drew while Asuka walked up behind her and kicked her into a near fall. Asuka and Banks traded submissions but Sasha rolled her up for the upset win!

Result: Dolph Ziggler & Sasha Banks def. Drew McIntyre & Asuka

Match rating: A

Episode rating: B

A great episode to close out this month with a one-of-a-kind mixed match and a handicap match from Big Show. We saw Ricochet after a while as well tonight on RAW.

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