WWE: Superstar Ratings for June 3rd RAW

The Shield_WWE RAw

This week’s RAW kicked off with the McMahons coming out and informing the fans that Triple H won’t be competing on RAW again. The first family of sports entertainment was then interrupted by the hounds of justice, who took on the team of Orton and Team Hell No.

The Shield

Yet another outstanding match by the trio. There is no doubt that The Shield is one of the best things happening in the WWE. They picked up yet another victory over the team of Orton and Team Hell No.

Rating: *** ¾

Randy Orton

Orton was involved in yet another good match against The Shield. The crowd was hot for Orton, and went wild during the hot tag. It’s about time Orton turns heel, but it doesn’t look like WWE is going in that direction.

Rating: ***


Kane had a relatively smaller role compared to the other member of Team Hell No, but he played his part to perfection. That’s how we’ve known him for years.

Rating: ** ½

The Usos

WWE tweaked the characters of The Usos just a bit, and it looks like they will be challenging The Shield soon for the WWE Tag team titles. They had a match this week against PTP and came out victorious.

Rating: * ¾

Prime Time Players

It’s a shame that PTP are looked upon as jobbers, as I’m a fan of Titus. These guys can become legitimate threat for the tag team gold, and they’re entertaining, which I can’t say about most of the other teams.

Rating: *

Alberto Del Rio

ADR picked up another victory over Big E Langston. Since Ziggler will be back next week, we can now get back to the planned ADR – Ziggler rivalry.

Rating: **

Big E Langston

Big E lost yet another match to Del Rio. Nothing special.

Rating: *


Sheamus defeated Cody Rhodes and went after Sandow. I’m a big fan of Rhodes Scholars, and I for one hope Sheamus – Sandow feud doesn’t end up being one sided.

Rating: **

Cody Rhodes

Cody needs a good feud that can shift him into the main event scene. He lost his bout against Sheamus this week.

Rating: **

The Great Khali

Well… he’s tall. Yes, that’s where my argument and analysis ends.

Rating: Dud


WWE wants to put the IC title on Fandango. All the support Fandango garnered has fizzled out, and he needs to win some matches to get credibility, which doesn’t seem to happen.

Rating: Dud

The Miz

So Miz doesn’t get TV time for months, films a movie, and out of nowhere is built as the new Ric Flair, and wins the IC title, drops it the next night and is still in contention for the title? How about building the guy first? He defeated the IC champ within 3 minutes after getting knocked out. A new Cena in the making, anyone?

Rating: * ½

Wade Barrett

I feel sorry for Wade. Although he is the Intercontinental champion, he has lost most of his recent matches on RAW. It’s likely that he will drop the IC title to Fandango at the Payback PPV, and that wouldn’t surprise anyone.

Rating: * ¾

Chris Jericho

Wrestling - WWE Smackdown At Plaza Monumental Monterrey

Jericho cut a promo this week, and although the segment involved Heyman like last week, it felt a bit off, and went on too long. Either way, Jericho is a master on the mic, and I’m excited to see Jericho – Punk in a couple of weeks in Chicago.

Rating: **

Paul Heyman

Not only was Heyman involved in a couple of backstage segments, but he also had a confrontation with Jericho and then led Axel to victory against John Cena. Is there anyone better than Heyman in the professional wrestling circuit as a manager? I don’t think so.

Rating: ***

The Bella twins and AJ Lee

The Bellas and AJ took on the Funkadactyles and Kaitlyn, and the match received 5 minutes that no one cared for. Where is Natalya when you need her?

Rating: Dud

Funkadactyles and Kaitlyn

It looks like the whole ‘Kaitlyn costing Natalya her match’ isn’t going to be an issue. I hope for a Natalya – Kaitlyn feud. WWE dropped the ball on Natalya – Beth feud before, and I hope that doesn’t happen again.

Rating: *


Ryback first had the best match of his career, once again with Bryan, and later came back to put Cena through a table. All in all, it was a fantastic night for Ryback.

Rating: ***

John Cena

Cena faced Curtis Axel, and lost to him via count out in a No DQ match. Post match, he was driven through a table by Ryback, leaving the WWE champion on the floor. Another not too stressful RAW for Cena.

Rating: **

Curtis Axel

Axel won his third match, although it was yet another count out victory. WWE needs to give Axel some clean wins to make him look credible, or he might remain what Stephanie and Vince said, which is beneath Triple H and the others.

Rating: ** ½

Daniel Bryan

The star of the show yet again. Daniel Bryan is on fire, and the crowd loves him. He reminds me of a face Kurt Angle back in ’01, with the fiery baby face character. Daniel Bryan is the best thing in the WWE right now, and WWE would want to take advantage of it.

Rating: ****

An unexpected name just challenged Randy Orton RIGHT HERE.

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