AEW Dark: Elevation Results - Major star returns, The 619 used, Babyface cheated out of a big win, and more (28th June 2021)

AEW Dark: Elevation.
AEW Dark: Elevation.

Matt Hardy & Private Party vs. Dark Order's Alex Reynolds, Colt Cabana & Alan "5" Angels on AEW Dark: Elevation

Marq Quen and Isiah Kassidy cosplayed the Hardy Boyz, and they looked phenomenal before the AEW Dark: Elevation match.

Angels got the party started on the ramp with a running crossbody to Private Party. Hardy went for the Twist of Fate, but Cabana and Reynolds stopped him with a double suplex.

The Dark Order got Private Party back into the ring with a double hip toss and back out again with twin clotheslines. It should be noted that the bell had not been rung just yet! Absolute pandemonium!

Matt Hardy was annoyed and took the lead as the match kicked off with Angels representing the Dark Order. Angels had a response for every Hardy move until the veteran stunned him with a follow-through lariat.

The heels started calling the shots as Private Party attacked Angels in the groin with a steel post. That didn't look good to endure! Hardy, meanwhile, distracted the referee. Kassidy used his scarf to choke Angels as referee Rick Knox couldn't control the baddies of the match.

Alan finally created some space with a clutch clothesline. He made the hot tag to Alex Reynolds, who ran in to knock Matt off the apron with a big boot. He shifted his attention towards Kassidy with a flurry of moves. Reynolds took Hardy out with a tope suicida. Cabana came in and laid out Private Party with a springboard moonsault.

The Downward elbows from Colt came next before Angels flew in for a cross body and a subsequent near fall. Matt Hardy stopped Reynolds' momentum by giving him a faceful of the apron! Angels found himself isolated as Private Party looked to get the win bonus.

Angels couldn't fight off the three-on-one man disadvantage as Quen and Kassidy executed a flawless Gin and Juice (top rope Frankenstiener into a Cutter) for the win on AEW Dark: Elevation.

Result: Matt Hardy & Private Party of H.F.O. def. The Dark Order's Alex Reynolds, Colt Cabana & Alan "5" Angels on AEW Dark: Elevation

Grade: A

Co-Main Event: Hikaru Shida vs. Reka Tehaka

Both women started the AEW match with aggressive collars and elbow tie-ups. Tehaka knew how to take a few punches and return fire with fire. Reka's Samoan temper kicked in as she grabbed Shida by the hair and yanked her around the ring.

Tehaka left Hikaru Shida to dry on the ropes, but the former AEW Women's champion sneaked out and landed a knee lift. She connected with another, this time while Tehaka was on the apron.

Shida attempted a deadlift suplex from the second rope, but Reka blocked it with a massive blow. Reka got a two-count with a big chop, something that you don't see often in wrestling. Reka has dynamite in her hands!

Shida moved out of a corner strike and executed a ripcord enziguri, followed by a traditional suplex. Tehaka still had some fuel left in the gas tank as she delivered two huge headbutts and a fallaway crucifix slam, aka the Samoan Drop.

Shida kicked out of the pinfall and hit the Katana knee strike finisher for the win. The Japanese star's precision on the move is something to behold.

Result: Hikaru Shida def. Reka Tehaka on AEW Dark: Elevation

Grade: B+

Main Event: Eddie Kingston & Penta El Zero Miedo (w/ Alex Abrahantes) vs. TH2

Eddie Kingston got a loud pop on AEW Dark: Elevation. The fan-favorite wasn't impressed with Jack Evans' shenanigans.

The final match finally got underway with a predictable lockup. Jack Evans continued his 'breakdance routine,' and Kingston allowed his opponent to do his thing. Kingston mocked Evans and Angelico by imitating their goofy dance. And yes, it got an 'Eddie' chant going!

He hyped up the tag to Penta, and the crowd ate it all up! Kingston is a master at crowd control, and it's not surprising that Tony Khan hands him the microphone for most off-screen segments.

Penta, aka Mr. Offense, showed what he was all about with a barrage of moves on Angelico. It started with a step-up enziguri from the outside, followed by a diving crossbody from the top. He then bounced off the ropes using the springboard into an arm-drag takedown, and topped it with a vicious tilt-a-whirl backbreaker that split Angelico in half.

Schiavone had a tough time keeping up with Penta, as we expected. Kingston came and helped Penta land a penalty kick before he rolled out of the ring. Angelico's selling was on point as he blocked a side suplex, used a brief distraction, and bit Eddie's forehead.

It was Kingston's time to do the selling as TH2 kept the popular star grounded with their unorthodox offense. Evans, the legal man, got some great hangtime with a leaping knee strike.

Jon Moxley's best friend, though, hoisted Angelico up for an STO-styled slam. He finally tagged Penta, who picked up from where he left off with two sling blades on the TH2 members.

Penta was a one-man wrecking crew as he positioned Evans and Angelico into the corner with monkey flips.

Evans was on the receiving end of some unforgiving offense as Penta executed a small package pump handle piledriver.

Kingston tried to pre-occupy Angelico from the apron while Penta tried to hit his finisher on Jack. TH2 isolated Penta with a neckbreaker-backbreaker combo. Angelico dropped Penta down again with a face-plant before Evans got a near fall with a standing sky twister.

Penta was proving to be a tough nut to crack! Kingston entered the ring to help his partner as he took Angelico out of the equation with a rolling discus elbow shot.

He set Penta up for the finish with a half-and-half on Evans, who got laid out with a small package piledriver, aka The Fear Factor on AEW Dark: Elevation.

Result: Eddie Kingston & Penta El Zero Miedo def. TH2 on AEW Dark: Elevation

Grade: A

An insanely loud Ciero Miedo chant fittingly ended the first AEW Dark: Elevation, which went down in front of a lively and passionate audience.


To conclude, AEW's latest Elevation offering was entertaining from start to end. You can check out the full AEW Dark: Elevation episode above.

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